Objective Summary
Central Idea
Dramatic Irony

What is an objective summary

A short retell of the story with NO opinions 


What is the central idea?

What the text is mostly about?


What is POV?

It is perspective

What is dramatic irony?

When the audience knows something that the characters do not know


Which characters have the most power or influence?

The men; Theseus/Egeus/Oberon


What are key details?

The most important details that should be included in the objective summary.


What's the difference between theme and central idea?

Theme is the lesson learned, not what the story is mostly about


What is tone?

Tone is the expression that creates a mood


What is an example of dramatic irony in the play with Titania?

The audience knows that Robin rubbed the flower juice on her eyes and made her fall in love with Bottom, but she thinks she really loves him. 


How are women treated?

They are treated like property. They have to do what their fathers say. 


 What is a key detail from Act 1 about Helena?

- She's in love with Demetrius but he doesn't love her

- She is obsessed with Hermia's beauty

- She is going to tell Demetrius Hermia is running away with Lysander


What was the central idea of Claudette Colvin?

Claudette refused to get off the bus; this inspired adults like Rosa Parks to refuse as well. As a result, black people gained the right to sit anywhere on the bus through time. This showed people that teens can inspire movements, but they don't always get recognition. 


"Ughhhhhh I hate taking tests"



What is an example of dramatic irony in the play with Helena?

Helena does not know that Lysander only likes her because Robin accidentally rubbed the flower juice on Lysander's eyes instead of Demetrius, but we do. 


What does Theseus say will happen to Hermia is she refuses to marry Demetrius (2 options)?

1. She'll be killed

2. She'll be forced to be a nun


What is a  key detail about Robin?

- He uses the magic flower on Lysander (instead of Demetrius)

- He turns Bottom into a man with a donkey head


What is the central idea of Midsummer Night's Dream so far?

Egeus wants his daughter, Hermia, to marry Demetrius. However she loves Lysander, which causes them to run away in the forest where Titania and bottom are at as well. Robin uses magic to play with the characters feelings. Dramatic irony is used a lot. 


What's the two perspectives:

"I wish my students would prioritize their learning"

"I'm super tired today; I need a nap"

The teacher is upset they won't do their work, but really it's because they need sleep. 


What is an example of dramatic irony in the play with Oberon?

Oberon does not know that Robin robbed the flower juice on the wrong Athenian's eyes. 


What power does Robin have? What is the impact of this?

Robin is able to cast love spells (he is Cupid). This creates dramatic irony because most of the characters do not know every thing going on. 


What five things need to be included in the objective summary?

1. Introduction

2. Rising Action

3. Conflict

4. Falling Action

5. Resolution 


Name a book/movie/tv show: what is the central idea?

Answers vary


What is the tone and POV?

"I feel like I should be able to wear my hat in the hallways; it's so stupid"

Tone: irritated/annoyed

POV: if we can wear hats in the class why not in the hall; they want to wear their hats bc it's comforting


What is an example of dramatic irony in the play with Bottom?

Bottom does not know why his head has turned into a donkey, but the audience does.  


Why does Egeus and Demetrius feel entitled to Hermia?

She is a woman/daughter and not a man