French Revolution
Haitian Revolution
Latin American Revolution
French Revolution Violence

What members were apart of the 1st estate?



What were the five groups in the Haitian Colony?

White planters, Petit blancs, Free people who had no power, slaves, runaways from the French and Spanish government.


What nation was Brazil apart of before they gained independence?



How did Napoleon come into power?

A military Coup


Which estate was voted to pay the extra tax?

The Third estate was voted to pay the extra taxes by the first and second estates

What occupations did members of the second estate hold?

Government Jobs


Did all members involved in the Haitian Revolution agree about how they should secure their independence? Why or why not?

No, it led to a civil war between the social classes in Haiti


How did Brazil gain independence?

They convinced the Portuguese King to focus on Portugal instead of trying to establish Brazil as a colony.


What was Napoleon's main focus while he was emperor?

Geographical Expansion


What happened during the "Storming of the Bastille?"

An armed crowd takes over a royal prison, killing the guards and freeing the prisoners.


What name were given to the middle class members?

The Bourgeoisie


How did the Enlightenment thinkers influence the Haitian Revolution?

Declaration of the rights of man inspired the Haitian people.


What hindered the support of the Venezuelan Revolution?

Class divides


Name two policies that were supported in the Napoleonic Code

Restoring order, controlling prices, building roads and canals, making peace with the catholic church, equality of all citizens and religious freedom.


Why were women upset when they marched on Versailles?

They wanted more food and lower prices. They thought it was unfair that the king and queen lived a life of luxury while everyone else suffered.


Which enlightenment thinkers had an impact on the French Revolution? How did they?

Jean Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire. Rosseau wanted to ensure the common good of all people and Voltaire believes that no authority politically or otherwise should be immune to being challenged


How did Toussaint L'Ouverture influence the Haitian Revolution?

He was able to rally all the social classes together and focus their thoughts on securing independence first.


What impact does Simon Bolivar have on the Mexican Revolution?

He is able to persuade many people to support his cause, both those that are with him and against him.


How was Napoleon defeated? What was his consequence for his actions as emperor?

There was a revolt against France, Napoleon was exiled until he died


What were the Jacobins notorious for?

Using the Guillotine during the time period known as the "Reign of Terror."


What is the French Declaration of Rights of Man an Citizen?

A book written by enlightenment thinkers that stress the importance of Democracy and desire to change ways in the government from an Absolute Monarchy

Why is the Haitian Revolution so important?

Largest and most successful slave rebellion, rejected social rank, introduced paid plantation labor.


What governments were instituted in Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico after they gained independence?

Republic (Representative Democracy)


How was peace restored after Napoleon was removed as the Leader of France?

They tried to restore monarchies in Europe, placed strong countries surrounding France, King Louis XVIII on the French Throne and created the Concert of Europe


What group was most targeted when the guillotine was used?

Anyone who disagreed with the French Revolution and its ideas.