My Media
A Creator's Responsibility
Safe Online Talk
Which Me Should I Be?
Gender Stereotypes Online
A regular behavior or practice
What is a habit?
The stealing of copyrighted work by downloading or copying it in order to keep, sell, or give it away without permission and without paying.
What is piracy?
A hidden or unexpected problem or danger.
What is a pitfall?
All the factors that make up who you are.
What is an identity?
A character that represents someone online, mostly in VR games.
What is an avatar?
A written record of an occurrence over time.
What is a log?
Katy added a background beat to Justin Bieber's new song, posted it, and said it was her own remix, made ONLY by her.
What is plagiarizing?
Something or someone acting in an un-proper, un-okay way.
What is being inappropriate?
Having an unknown identity.
What is being anonymous?
Social ideas about what it means to be masculine or feminine.
What is a gender?
Emailing, social networking, and IM (instant messaging).
What is engaging with media?
Stating their name, title of work, the year it was made, and a hyperlink.
What is important in acknowledgment?
A possibility or chance of something bad happening to someone or something.
What is a risk?
You might be more accepted online more than you are in real-life.
What is a positive outcome of presenting yourself differently online?
Only having the option of long hair and pink clothing as a girl character.
What is a way that social media shapes genders in virtual worlds?
Keeping track of when I am on my computer/other digital media.
What is logging your media intake?
Acknowledging the original creator, following copyright rules, not copying exactly another piece of special work.
What is being responsible with other creator's work?
A possibility of an event to occur.
What is an opportunity?
They might not like their real-life traits and appearance, feeling unaccepted by others.
What is motivation for a different presentation of someone?
Being you and not making a new you online.
What is not being fake online?
You could get your life taken over by getting addicted to digital media and missing out on fun outside with your friends.
What is a downside of using digital media?
Asking the creator's permission, acknowledging the creator, and using your own terms/words.
What is using copyrighted work legally?
Bill plays iWorld, an online social networking sight. He meets a girl, by the name of T_Birdy88. Every day after school, he gets messages from her saying "I love you" and "I want to meet you". She leaves about 20 messages per day. She never stops texting him, even on school nights.
What is harassing?
Mark tells his parents he only has a private account on Instagram, but really has a public one secretly.
What is deceiving?
Missy sent a heart toward another boy avatar, assuming he was a boy, because of his outfit and look.
What is stereotyping?