Exploring the New World
Maya, Aztec, Inca
Marco Polo
Zheng He
These are three amazing pieces of Aztec architecture observed by the Spanish.
What are aqueducts, dykes, a city on a lake, and causeways over the water?
This floating farm was used to grow crops in the Aztec Empire due to a lack of good farm land and a need for crops.
What is a chinampa?
Marco Polo and his family were sent to visit this Asian leader.
Who is the Kublai Khan?
Columbus convinced this king and queen to invest in his voyage west to Asia
Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
The emperor sent Zheng He to get as much of this "exotic" item as possible.
What is pepper?
The Inca empire was filled with mountains, so the Inca used these as farms.
What are terraces?
This empire was located in present day Peru and ran up and down the western coast of South America.
What is the Inca Empire?
Marco Polo was called a great liar because he said he observed all of these things during his time in China.
What is paved roads, a police and fire department, a postal system, a paper money system, and black rocks that heated your home?
All of Columbus' voyages started in this country.
What is Spain?
Zheng He was sent out with more than 300 ships for this reason.
What is to display the power of the emperor?
Unlike Native Americans in the north, the Maya and Aztec had a written language. They put their information in these books.
What are codices?
This site was believed to be a citadel, but archaeologists later discovered that it was probably a spiritual retreat for the rich and a trade hub.
What is Machu Pichu?
This popular object enticed people to seek fortune in Asia and became a guide for travelers.
What is Marco Polo's book?
These were Columbus' three ships.
What were the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
The people did not believe it was a good use of the empire's money.
What is the reason Zheng He did not explore anymore?
On an explorer's ship, this disease was often caused by a lack of Vitamin C.
What is scurvy?
The economies of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya empires all depended on this.
What is agriculture?
He never saw his book published, but after he died in this place, his friend published the book for him.
What is prison?
Columbus took this many voyages across the sea.
What is four?
He explored these areas during his time.
What are India, Africa, and the middle east?
If you needed a bone set, wounds bandaged, or blood drawn on a ship, you would need to see this man.
Who is the Barber?
These are the reasons the Aztec Empire fell.
What are disease, Cortes and the Spaniards, and the uprising of other tribes?
This is the reason merchants were willing to risk their lives and travel to Asia.
What is the purchase of silk and spices?
This created an excitement in Europe and an exploration race between countries like Portugal, England, Spain, and The Netherlands.
What is Columbus' discovery of the New World?
This evidence, recently found in China, may prove that Zheng He made it to South America during his exploration.
What is a map of the world with an accurate drawing of North and South America?