United States Environmental Policy
United States Environmental Policy
International Environmental Policy and Approaches

this is the study of how resources are converted into goods and services, and how they are distributed and used

What is economics


this is the field of economics that says economies can become sustainable if environmental challenges are addressed

What is environmental economics


this is a formal set of general plans and principles for addressing problems and guiding decision making

What is policy


areas that have this event occur tend to have stronger environmental laws

What are environmental catastrophes


this is a way of implementing policies in which a government sets rules and threatens punishment for violations

What is command-and-control approach


this is the amount of a product offered for sale at a given price

What is supply


this is the value not usually included in the price of a good or service

What is non-market value


this is a general plan or principle that addresses the interactions between humans and the environment

What is environmental policy


this is the branch of government where either the House of Representatives or the Senate introduce a bill

What is the Legislative Branch


this is a giveaway of cas or public resources to encourage an activity

What is a subsidy


this is the amount of a product people will buy at a given price if free to do so

What is demand


this is the result when a market does not reflect the full costs and benefits of actions

What is market failure


this is a report that evaluates the impact of new construction on the environment

What is the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)


this is the branch of government where the President either vetoes or approves the bill

What is the Executive Branch


this is a form of a tax that is imposed on companies that do activities that hurt the environment

What is a Green Tax


this is a method used to compare what will be sacrificed and gained by a specific action

What is cost-benefit analysis


this is the labeling of products to identify brands that are made with processes that do not harm the environment

What is eco-labeling


these are the three goals of modern-day environmental policies

What are protect environmental quality, protect natural resources, and ensure resources are shared fairly


this is the branch that has the Supreme court interpret the law

What is the Judicial Branch


this is a system that gives companies a ticket to pollute the environment but only as much as a ticket will allow

What is cap-and-trade


this is the field of economics that applies the principles of Earth’s systems to economics

What is ecological economics


this is the government that decides what is made, how it is made, and who gets what

What is centrally planned economy


these three things are what science does in the process of environmental policy

What are identify, understand, and devise solutions for problems


from the 1780s to the late 1800s, people thought the amount of land and resources in the West was this

What is endless


this is a way for people to get elected officials to support a specific issue

What is lobbying