Enlightenment pt.2
French Revolution pt. 1
French Revolution pt. 2
Latin American Revolutions

One way in which the writings of John Locke and of Baron de Montesquieu are similar is that they...

  1. supported the idea of governments having limited powers

  2. resulted in the development of mercantile economic systems

  3. promoted the ideas of the Protestant Reformation

  4. strengthened the divine right claims of European monarchs

1. supported the idea of governments having limited powers


Locke and Rousseau, as writers during the Enlightenment, expanded the concept of

1. total war                         3. self-sufficiency

2. natural law                      4. divine right

2. natural law


Refer to Document 4

This drawing illustrates conditions that contributed primarily to the beginning of the 

(1) Protestant Reformation 

(2) French Revolution 

(3) Napoleonic Wars 

(4) European Renaissance 

2. French Revolution


Which estate would most generally support the Tennis Court Oath?

1. Clergy

2. Nobility

3. King 

4. Middle Class

4.  Middle Class


Toussaint Louverture and Simon Bolivar were most influenced by...

  1. church officials

  2. Enlightenment thinkers

  3. laissez-faire economists

  4. Marxist followers

2. Enlightenment Thinkers


Define Nationalism

The belief that people/areas with a common culture, langage, and history should unite to form one country under an independent government 


Refer to Document 1

4. Which historical development was influenced by Wollstonecraft’s writing?

  1. the rise of British nationalism

  2. the Glorious Revolution

  3. the woman’s suffrage movement

  4. the Irish Home Rule movement

3. Woman's suffrage movement 


Which individual suggested the idea that if a government fails to protect its people’s natural rights of life, liberty, and property, the people have the right to overthrow it?

John Locke 


Refer to Document 4

What is the point of view of the author of this drawing?

(1) One group paid heavy taxes that supported the other two groups.

(2) Hard work, prayer, and a good example allowed for a stable government in France. 

(3) Peasants and professionals in this society were gaining political and economic power.

(4) French society emphasized the importance of natural law and social equality.

(1) One group paid heavy taxes that supported the other two groups.


  What did the 3rd Estate demand in the “The Oath of the Tennis Court?”

A constitution for France 


Refer to Document 6

Based on a comparison of these maps of South America, which conclusion is accurate? 

(1) Many regions of South America gained their independence between 1790 and 1828. 

(2) All of South America was independent by 1828. 

(3) Spain continued to gain South American colonies in the 19th century. 

(4) Between 1790 and 1828, South American political boundaries remained unchanged except for Brazil

1) Many regions of South America gained their independence between 1790 and 1828. 


German unification was the immediate result of

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte’s surrender at the Battle of Waterloo

  2. Otto von Bismarck’s wars with Denmark, Austria, and France

  3. Maria Theresa’s reign as an enlightened despot

  4. Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajev

2. Otto von Bismarck’s wars with Denmark, Austria, and France


Refer to Document 2

In this passage, Montesquieu references

  1. enlightened despotism 

  2. a policy of mercantilism 

  3. a separation of powers

  4. a social contract

3. a separation of powers


Which of the following states the point of view of the authors of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?

(1) A government should make laws to protect the natural rights of its citizens.

(2) Absolute monarchy is a form of government that guarantees the rights of citizens. 

(3) Property is a more valuable natural right than security. 

(4) A government should limit people's freedom to ensure they are safe.

(1) A government should make laws to protect the natural rights of its citizens.


Refer to Document 5

Based on this map, identify a political impact of Napoleon’s conquests in Europe. 

  1. The French empire directly or indirectly controlled most of western Europe

  2. The French empire lost colonies 

  3. France controlled Sicily

  4. Napoleon’s empire grew through peaceful treaties with neighboring powers. 

1. The French empire directly or indirectly controlled most of western Europe


Maximillian Robespierre and the Jacobins are best known for...

  1. instituting the Reign of Terror                  

  2. protecting freedom of religion

  3. supporting the reign of King Louis XVI          

  4. sending French troops to fight in the American Revolution

1. instituting the Reign of Terror    


Refer to Document 7

Based on this 1802 French proclamation, the French government reacted to the Haitian Revolution by

  1. accepting Haitian demands to end slavery and oppression

  2. encouraging Haitians to rebel against French rule

  3. ordering the capture of Haitian revolutionary leaders

  4. agreeing to give Haitians all the rights guaranteed to French citizens

  1. accepting Haitian demands to end slavery and oppression


Refer to Document 9

Which pair of individuals played a direct role in the changes that took place between Map A and Map B?

  1. Otto Von Bismarck and Wilhelm II

  2. Klemens von Metternich and Victor Emmanuel III

  3. Camillo di Cavour and Guiseppe Mazzini

  4. Alexander II and Frederick the Great

3. Camillo di Cavour and Guiseppe Mazzini


Refer to Document 2

One historical development that resulted from the ideas expressed here was the

  1. End of Feudalism

  2. French Revolution

  3. Glorious Revolution

  4. Cultural Revolution

2. French Revolution


Identify the best use of the document, "The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen" for a historian.

(1) To determine the actions taken by Louis XVI during his rule of France

(2) To study how Louis XVI granted natural rights to French citizens

(3) To evaluate how free and equal the people of France were after the French Revolution

(4) To understand the hopes of representatives in the National Assembly of France

(4) To understand the hopes of representatives in the National Assembly of France


What was Olympe de Gouges purpose for writing the Declaration of Woman and the Female Citizen?

*fact: Olympe de Gouges was executed via guillotine*


expanding the definition of equality


One way in which Robespierre and Louis XVI of France are similar is that both

  1. were removed from power during the French Revolution

  2. adopted ideas of the Congress of Vienna

  3. implemented policies of religious tolerance

  4. decreased government control of the economy

1. were removed from power during the French Revolution


Which revolution, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, relied on slave rebellions to achieve independence?

Haitian Revolution


One way in which Otto von Bismarck and Camillo Cavour are similar is that both leaders

  1. followed a policy of isolationism            

  2. adopted papal policies

  3. led an African independence movement          

  4. promoted unification to form a new nation-state

4. promoted unification to form a new nation-state


Refer to Document 2

Which document did this passage most heavily influence? 

  1. Edict of 1635 Ordering the Closing of Japan 

  2. Communist Manifesto

  3. Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen 

  4. Magna Carta 

3. Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen


Refer to Document 3

Which of the following individuals most strongly influenced the ideas in the excerpt of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen above? 

(1) Louis XIV

(2) Montesquieu

(3) John Locke

(4) Thomas Hobbes

(3) John Locke


Refer to Document 5

Which event occurred after the circumstances illustrated in this map? 

  1. The Age of Enlightenment 

  2. Fall of the Roman Empire 

  3. Congress of Vienna

  4. National Assembly meets for the first time 

3. Congress of Vienna


What factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon’s army?

geographic size, location and climate


Refer to Document 6

Which individual is most closely associated with the changes indicated on these maps?

Simon Bolivar


Refer to Document 8

This statement was used to justify a policy of

  1. Ethnocentrism      

  2. Appeasement
  3. Militarism 
  4. Containment 

3. Militarism