Why did Moses flee from Egypt and where did he flee to? (Exodus 2)
killed an Egyptian, Midian
pilar of smoke, pilar of fire (holy spirit)
where did moses recieve the 10 commandments at
Mnt Sinai
Who was to succeed Moses? (D 3:28)
The person who's faith and strong leadership lead the Isrealites to finally enter the promised land
Moses' life was saved at the beginning of Exodus during Pharoah's attempt to kill the Jewish firstborn and Noah's life was saved at the beginning of Genesis. What are the similarities?
both were saved from death in water by means of an ark like structure
The name of the body of water the Isrealites crossed to flee Pharoah
the red sea
Which sin did Moses find the Isrealites commiting when he came back with the 10 commandments
idolatry (worshiping false idols)
How many years did the Lord lead the Israelites in the desert? (D 8:2)
Which city did the Israelites conquer after marching around 6 times for 6 days and 7 times on the 7th day (and the walls fell)?
where were the 10 commandments kept
the ark of the covenant, holy of holies
What was the holiday/feast day that was started as a result of the Isrealites being saved from Pharoah and the 10th plague
Passover, Unleavened Bread,
Choose one of the commandments, explain the commandment and give a real life example of following it.
Who dies before entering the promised land
Which river was divided when the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land carrying the Ark of the Covenant? (3)
Jordan River
List 5 of the 10 plagues
Name three things that were provided to the Isrealites by God during their time in the desert
water, quail, manna
The commandments were divided into two groups. Explain the two groups
loving/respecting God and loving/respecting neighbor
When the Isrealites were bit by snakes and began to die in the desert, how did God save them?
They built a s bronze serpant staff, which was lifted up for all to see, and those who looked upon it with faith were cured.
What happened to the Promised Land once the Israelites entered it?
They fought battles to conquer it then divided it amongst the tribes
What is the overall significance of the book of Exodus for Christians today?
God will send a deliver like Moses to free people from sins and save them from eternal death with his blood like the passover lamb
How many days during the feast of tabernacles were the Israelites to live in booths? (Leviticus 23:33-43)
Besides the 10 commandments, what are two other things God gave use to help keep us from sin.
-new commandment
-greatest commandment
Who is permitted to enter into the promised land?
only those age 20 and under
The tribe of priests who did not have their own land but divided between the other tribes land.