Describe the molecule makeup for Water.
What is H2O
The movement of water in the Earth System.
Water cycle
What that comes from the surface.
Surface water
Streamline Movements of water are called?
What is Ocean Currents.
When waste or other material is added to water so that it is harmful to organisms that use it or live in it.
What is Water Pollution.
What is Cohesion?
liquid water turning into water vapor.
Water that belongs between the rock particles underground.
Ground water
Currents caused by wind and occur at or near the surface are...
Currents far below the surface are...
Surface Currents
Deep Currents
The agency that ensures our water is safe.
What is water on a paper towel an example of?
What is Adhesion?
Which comes from mountains? Which comes from plants?
M- Sublimation, P- Transpiration
The upper boundary of groundwater.
Water Table
What current is created by density differences? (SC+DC=?)
Convection Currents.
Water that is suitable to drink is..
Describe Polarity.
What is positive on one end, negative on the other.
How does rain form? SPECIFY
What is condensation creates droplets, they combine, create clouds, when they get heavy they fall-> precipitation.
What is the path a stream follows? What are the little streams leading into that path?
Path- Channel, Little Streams- Tributaries.
The strongest surface current.
Gulf Streams.
Define these two terms.
Point Source Pollution and Non-point Source Pollution.
Point Source- Coming from one specific place, you can find the source.
Non-Point- Comes from many different small sources and is much more difficult to control.
List at least two roles water has on earth.
Influencing Weather, Shaping Earth's Surface, Supporting life, Supporting human Activity
What does the changing of water from one state to another transport?
What is Energy
What is an Aquifer? (SPECIFY)
A body of rock or sediment that stores groundwater and allows it to flow.
Three factors that cause surface currents?
Coriolis Effect, Global Winds, Continental Deflection.
Name at least two of the four types of pollution.
Chemical, Thermal, Biological, Eutrophication.