Civil Rights
Civil Liberties
Supreme Court Cases
Constitutional Tests
Is it Constitutional?

this right is the basis of the decision made in Roe v Wade but is NOT explicitly listed in the constitution

Right to Privacy


this protection is the basis for the use of the commonly referred to "Miranda Rights" as established by the 5th Amendment

Protection from Self Incrimination


this case is responsible for establishing a three part test testing whether or not a law violates the establishment clause

1) secular purpose

2) predominantly secular in nature

3) avoid govt entanglement

Lemon Test


this test requires a state to follow due process when confiscating property as well as requiring just compensation for private property

Eminent Domain


blocking publications or censoring a story before it is published

Unconstitutional (Prior Restraint)


found in the 14th amendment, this states that no state will "deny to any person within it's jurisdiction the equal protection of the law" 

The Equal Protection Clause


this protection requires that a warrant must be specific in its scope and backed by a show of probable cause

Unreasonable Search and Seizure


Responsible for the "Seperate-but-equal" doctrine

Plessy v Ferguson

This test or rule states that illegally obtained evidence cannot be presented against an individual at trial as decided by Mapp v Ohio

Exclusionary Rule


Requiring permits for large assembly that limit the demonstration to a certain time frame and/or location

Constitutional, usually to avoid the incitement of violence


the LAW that banned racial segregation in schools, public transport and public facilities

Civil Rights act of 1964


this is the act of using actions or symbols to convey an idea which the supreme court has ruled is protected by the constitution

Symbolic Speech (flag burning, arm bands, etc.)


Overturned legalized public school segregation on the basis of race

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka


places limitations on free speech if it presents a danger to the republic or leads to the perpetration of illegal actions

Clear and Present Danger Rule


Instituting racial quotas in such instances as admitting students to college or hiring of employees



law that outlawed discriminatory voting practices responsible for wide spread disenfranchisement

Voting Rights Act of 1965


established in the first amendment, prohibits government from recognizing an official religion or promoting one religion over another

Establishment Clause


Case that ruled that under the 4th amendment, individuals are entitled to privacy in making medical decisions for themselves.

Roe v Wade


A type of scrutiny in which the person CHALLENGING the law must prove that the government has no good reason for discriminating against an individual

Rational Basis (Ordinary) Scrutiny


also established in the 14th amendment, prohibits state governments from depriving citizens of "life, liberty, or property"...

Due Process Clause


the right afforded to a person not to have to face trial for the same crime more than once

Double Joepardy


case in which the supreme court held that a private business owner can refuse to serve individuals on the basis of religion if the request being made is against the business owners sincerely held religious beliefs

Masterpiece Bakery v Colorado Civil Rights Commission


Test used to determine the constitutionality of laws that differentiate between individuals on the basis of race, religion, or national origin.

Strict Scrutiny