Class Writing Samples

A country taking control of another, often smaller country through violent or political means in order to gain control and exploit that country for resources is the definition for...

What is imperialism 


Is imperialism good or bad?



This is the definition of cause

A reason for something to happen or occur.


This means to justify something...

Excuse a bad behavior to look better


What is wrong (if anything) with this response? 

Because some ppl believe in that and some do not and some ppl would not want to celebrate a day they do not believe in.

This answer does not use the text at all. We need evidence and an explanation to support our claim. 


Mass murder is the definition of... 

What is genocide


Columbus was not an imperialist. (True/False)

No/FALSE. He was. 


This was the #1 reason/cause for imperialism



Before the Industrial Revolution, most countries made their money by...



What's wrong (if anything) with this response?

Because lots of people don't agree with what Columbus did and how he committed genicide and killed thousands just for money for example he brought diseases that native americans have never had before so it affected them much worse.

Spellcheck, last of evidence and explanation.


In the 1700s, rapid, major change as Europe shifted from a farming economy to a factory/industrial based one was called...

What is the Industrial Revolution 


This justification of imperialism involved missionaries traveling to spread the word of God



This was the economic cause of imperialism that took place during the Industrial Revolution

Europeans needed to expand (go to other countries) in order to get resources for their factories. 


These were a few countries who were invaded by imperialists

Brazil, Haiti, the DR, Congo, Nigeria, China, India, and many more. 


What's wrong (if anything) with this response?

Christopher Columbus was protested in the U.S. because he was a bad person and he wasn't a person that was good to the native Americans. That's why we celebrate indigenous people's day instead of celebrating Christopher Columbus. This celebration was legally changed in some states in "1977 participants at the United Nations International Conference on Discrimination against Indigenous Populations in the Americas proposed that Indigenous Peoples’ Day replace Columbus Day."

There is no explanation of the evidence in this piece and the evidence itself is not the strongest one they could have chosen. 


“Survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are naturally better is called...

What is Social Darwinism


This is why imperialism needed to be justified

It was a BAD thing! Imperialists wanted the rest of the world to look positively on them. 


This was the military cause/motivation for imperialism...

Wanting to flex power... more land=more power!


These were three countries that practiced imperialism

U.S. Britain, France, Spain, Japan a few others. 


What's wrong (if anything) with this response?

Because Columbus took land that wasn’t his. In the text says “At the forefront of their minds is the fact the colonial (imperialist) takeovers of the Americas, starting with Columbus, led to the deaths of millions of Native people and the forced assimilation of survivors”. This shows that Columbus was an imperialist

What's wrong with it: The explanation is not complete. Yes, Columbus was an imperialist! But, why does that mean he should not be celebrated? Answer the question!!


The process in which the invaded countries find their independence and reinstate their freedom after imperialism is called...

What is Decolonization


This is Darwin's Theory

Species adapting over time due to changes in their environment. 


The social cause of imperialism

Wanting to spread whiteness due to the belief that white people were superior


This justification for imperialism centers around false ideas of race. 

Social Darwinism, white supremacy 

What's wrong (if anything) with this response?

Columbus day is being protested in the United States because they know Columbus shouldn’t have a holiday because he indeed was not a hero. For example, paragraph 2 says “At the forefront of their minds is the fact the colonial (imperialist) takeovers of the Americas, starting with Columbus, led to the deaths of millions of Native people and the forced assimilation of survivors.” This shows that Columbus was indeed not a hero to them.

Nothing at all! There is a claim, evidence, and a wonderful explanation as to why the evidence answers the question and supports the claim.