What is the definition of a Reflexive verb?
Reflexive verbs in French are verbs that conjugate with a reflexive pronoun. They need to have an auxiliary verb before the reflexive.
What is a negative construction?
In French, negation is a grammatical construction that contradicts (or negates) all or part of the meaning of a sentence.
What is the imperative in French?
The imperative is a form of verb that is used as an order to somebody
Translate into english: S’amuser à regarde la téle
To have fun watching the TV
What are the auxiliary verbs for a reflexive conjugation eg) je __ douche, tu __ reveilles, vous __ couchez
me, te, se, nous, vous, se
Make this sentences into a negative construction: Je me brosser les dents
Je ne me brosser pas le dents
What is the imperative form of 'Tu t'habilles'
Translate into French: At midday I have lunch
A midi, je déjeune
Translate this sentence English into from French: "Je fais me devoirs"
I do my homework
Explain how to construct a negative sentence
In French, a negative sentence is formed by using the words "ne", “n' ”, and "pas" around a verb. "Ne" comes before the verb, and "pas" follows it. For example, "Je ne parle pas" means "I don't speak".
Translate from French to English 'Amusez-vous!'
Have Fun!
What part of this sentence makes it a routine? Chaque Lundi, il va au cinéma
"Chaque Lundi"; meaning every Monday, we know this is routine because it is repeating with the word Chaque meaning Every.
Translate from English to French 'He washes himself'
Il se lave
Change the sentence "Je vais au cinéma" to a negative construction.
Je ne vais pas au cinéma?
Translate from English to French 'Clean your room!'
Range-toi ton chambre!
How would you make this sentence into a repeating routine for Monday and wednesday: Je mange des œufs et du bacon au petit-déjeuner
Je mange des œufs et du bacon au petit-déjeuner chaque lundi et mercredi
Translate from English to French 'I do not wake myself up each morning'
Translate from English to French 'I do not wake myself up each morning'
How do you say "He likes apples" in a negative construction in French?
"Il n'aime pas les pommes."
In French, write the imperative form of 'You should wash yourself'
In this sentence identify the following: Reflexive pronouns, Time of day, Task: Chaque matin, je me lève très tôt à six heures et je me promène avec mon chien dans le parc
Reflexive: me, me
Time of day: Every morning at 6 am
Task: walking the dog