How much was Alaska purchased for
7.2 million dollars
What sparked the war
Assianation of France Ferdinand
Who came up with the idea
Woodrow Wilson
How did WW1 impact women
Gave them more jobs in manufacturing and nursing jobs
What letter did the U.S receive
Zimmerman note
Why did the U.S purchase Alaska and how it affected imperialism
They found oil and gold mines and fields which produced more money
What was the espionage act
It allowed the U.S to join the war and to draft a military
main points of the treaty and the 14pts (cause and effect)
treaty was to punish and ruin the Germans(people were for it)
14pts make peace(turned against it)
Why did African Americans move up north
Because it provided more money and more job opportunity while not fighting in war
Why did the U.S want alliance between Germany and Mexico?
Was due to the unrestricted submarine warfare
How did the annex on Hawaii help the U.S
It helped Hawaii become the 50th state in America and they had many sugar plants that helped the U.S produce more goods.
How did Wilsons re election effect the war
It effected it for better because he wanted to end the war and create peace
Impact on Germany
They had a smaller military and had to pay people back for the war costs
Why was American contribution to the war good.
Provided foreign countries with military weapons money and aid
What lead the U.S to join the war
They were invading our countries trying to take over
Compare the U.S with the Panama Canal and without it
With- it provided a faster route and made trading easier and quicker between the Atlantic and pacific oceans.
Without- it took way longer to receive goods and caused major corruption in other countries
What's the difference between militarism and nationalism
Nationalism- putting the country before yourself and doing what's right
Militarism- establish a strong military and use it against other countries
What happened to Germany after the war
They were in debt had to give land back to France, under allied control and they couldn't unite with Austria
How was propaganda good
It always kept people guessing and they never knew what was happening and assumed things were good. It helped keep tensions low
compare and contrast why the U.S.A should or shouldn't have joined the war
Should- They needed to help there allies and stop Germany
Shouldn't- had to draft people because the military was small and people lost their lives
What impact did the U.S have on having Putero Rico as a U.S territory
It provided a protector for the U.S and helped with goods and services. And while the U.S had it as a territory it produced the Foraker act which helped Putero Rico control there own government and legislation.
What is the impact on patriotism in the U.S and allied countries
It heightened in the U.S and it brought people closer together and to fight for what was right. They didn't join the war till late(U.S) but still had a positive outlook on the war and helped allied countries win and gave Germany what they deserved.
Why was Woodrow's 14pts different then the treaty of Versailles
The 14pts wanted to prevent the wars from happening and wanted everyone to have lasting peace. But the treaty wanted Germany to pay for everything and punish them which could have caused more wars.
What was the positive impact on defeating Germany
The people started switching up and were disloyal to the leaders over there and they weren't allowed to practice their religion due to all the bad things they did.
Why were some people with Woodrow and some against
Majority with because he wanted to leave the war
Slight portion against because they wanted to fight for what was right.