Two equivalent ratios
What is a proportion

If I have four striped circles, 2 triangles, and two white circles. How many white circles to all shapes do I have?

What is 2 to 8

How much can Julian run in an hour. If he can run 35 miles in 5 hours
What is 6 miles per hour
Will spent $6 downloading 5 songs to his iPhone. At this rate, how many songs could he download for $12?
What is 10 songs
Alan’s car drove 100 miles in 50 minutes and Sally’s car drove 56 miles in 14 minutes. Who drove the fastest in a minute?
Who is Sally. She drove 4 miles in 1 minute and Alan drove 2 miles in 1 minute.
A ratio that compares two different units
What is a rate

If I have four striped circles, 2 triangles, and two white circles. How many white circles to all shapes do I have in simplest form?

What is 1 to 4

If Natalia saved $42 in 7 days, How much does she save per day?
What is $6 a day
A gardener has five tomato vines that produce twenty tomatoes each day. How many vines would produce sixty tomatoes each day?
What is 15 vines

Jesse reads 252 pages in 6 hours. How many pages did he read per hour? 

What is 42 pages per hour.

A comparison of two numbers (quantities)
What is a ratio

Jamie has 5 cats and 15 birds. What does the ratio 1/3 compare?

What is cats to birds in simplest form.

If you can complete 60 multiplication facts in 3 minutes, how many do complete each minute?
What is 20 multiplication facts in 20 minutes?
The ratio of red tiles to black tiles is 4 to 6. If 24 red tiles were used to complete the project how many black tiles were used?
What is 36 black tiles

53 x 0.23 = ?

What is 12.19

If two ratios have the same value when smplified, then they are called....
What is equivalent ratios

Lily is making hot chocolate for a holiday party. One batch of hot chocolate is enough for 3 people. One batch uses 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 cups of milk, and 6 jumbo marshmallows. 

She needs to make enough hot chocolate for 12 people. How many cups of milk will she need? 

What is 8 cups of milk


Ellie loves going to the movies. She plans to go to them often this upcoming summer break. She is debating between buying one movie ticket or a batch of 5 movie tickets

The 5 movie ticket bundle costs $75. 

It costs $16 to buy one movie ticket. 

Which option is the better deal? 

What is the 5 movie ticket bundle is a better deal because in the end, it will save her $5. 

There are 8 cups of sugar for 40 cookies. How many cups of sugar do I need for 20 cookies.
What is 4 cups of sugar
406.07 - 223.59 = ?

What is 178.48