Does the Bible contain what we need to know for our salvation?
Yes, the Bible has what we need to acknowledge for our salvation.
Define Narrative.
When a story is told in a straightforward way, recalling an event/story of an important person in Israel's history.
Is Scripture inspired by humans or God?
Scripture is inspired by God.
How did God help the human authors to write the Bible?
What is a parable? (Writing style of Scripture)
Parables are short stories that are layers of truth and that Jesus often used and said to others.
Is everything in the Bible literally true?
No, some things in the Bible are spiritual, and are not meant to be taken literally.
What is law?
Law are writings that communicate with God, and tell how to best love God and others.
Did human authors use their own ability and power to write Scripture?
Yes, human authors used everything they could.
Did God write the Bible Himself?
The word, "Ruah" means...
-Breath, and or spirit.
Is the Bible always right?
No, the Bible is not always right, not literally at least. The Bible is spiritually.
The definition of prophecy is..
When writings of the Bible foretell the consequences to the action of people of Israel and call them to repentance with right worship of God.
No, it cooperated with the movement of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
How does the word "Ruah" describe God?
It describes God's presence in the beginning before creation. (The Spirit of God, the very presence God himself.)
Poetry is.....
Poetic writings, that employ characteristic literary devices like parallelism and or repeition.
Could you do personal interpretation of the Bible?
What is genealogy?
Genealogy records family ancestries and show important family connections between people in the Bible.
Were the Bible stories made up by the human authors?
No, all of the information inside the Bible is not made up. The information was from God.
How did God create Adam?
God "in-spirited" Adam basically. God breathed into Adam His own spirit and gift of life.
What is 'Dei Verbum'?
'Dei Verbum' is an official Church document on Divine Revelation.
What is still present to us in the Scriptures?
The same Holy Spirit that moved the Sacred Authors of Scripture to write.
What is the definition of apocalyptic?
What are we called to do just like the Bible authors were?
To cooperate with the Holy Spirit.
Why did God help the Sacred Scripture writers write the Bible?
God wanted them to put the correct information.
What is wisdom/proverbs?