Daily Routine
What is to wash oneself?
el champú
What is shampoo?
el diente
What is tooth?
What is later; then?
What is to take a bath?
el desodorante
What is deodorant?
la cara
What is face?
What is first?
cepillarse los dientes
What is to brush one's teeth?
la toalla
What is towel?
el dedo
What is finger?
más tarde
What is later on?
What is to fall asleep?
la crema de afeitar
What is shaving cream?
la uña
What is nail?
por fin
What is finally?
tener prisa
What is to be in a hurry?
el secador de pelo
What is hair dryer?
la garganta
What is throat?
What is then; so?