2 Digit Addition
2 Digit Subtraction
Word Problems
(1 AND 2 Step)

84 + 14 =?

What is 98


True or False:

A subtraction problem should be double checked by an addition problem?

*Prove it!

What is true!


There are 23 sugar cookies at the bakery. There are 67 chocolate chip cookies. How many cookies are in in the bakery in all?

What is... 90 cookies in all


Define the worth of each coin: nickel, quarter, dime, penny

What is...

Nickel- 5 cents

Quarter- 25 cents

Dime- 10 cents

Penny- 1 cent


On an analog clock... what is the long hand? What is the short hand?

What is...

Long hand- minutes

Short hand- hour


Name 3 strategies to solve a 2-digit addition problem.

Counting On, Place Value Chart (Adding Tens and Ones), Using Base 10 Blocks, Going to the Next Ten, Estimating, Standard Algorithm


Name 3 stategies to solve a 2-digit subtraction problem.

Adding On (number line), Counting Backwards (number line), estimation, Regrouping with Base 10 Blocks, Standard Algorithm


What is the first step to successfully answering ANY word problem?

Be as specific as possible:)

What is... Marking it up First!

- underline any numbers

- circle key words/ phrases

- number the amount of steps


Which coin is the smallest?

What is... the dime!


What time is it?

*clock on google doc

What is... 10:35


Define regrouping as it applies to addition of 2 digit numbers

Regrouping- when a group of ten ones is rearranged as one ten onto the tens place


You will know you have to regroup with subtraction when...

the first number is smaller than the second


2nd grade collects 84 toothbrushes for the Guatamala collection. 3rd grade collects 17 fewer toothbrushes than 2nd grade. How many toothbrushes does 3rd grade collect?

What is... 67 toothbrushes


How much money is the following...

3 dimes, 2 quarters, and 5 nickels

What is... 105 cents OR 1 dollar and 5 cents


What time is it?

* time on google doc

What is... 9:40


Finish the fact family:

55-23= 32

55-32= 23

What is...




76 - 29 =

*must show work!

What is 47


Mrs. Scozz's class created 34 comics in color and 19 comics in black and white. The class presents some comics. Now there are 23 comics left to be presented. How many comics were presented already?

What is... 30 comics already presented


Jonah has $30 in bills. Name 2 different ways he can have that amount.

What is

1) 3 $10 bills

2) 30 $1 bills

3) 6 $5 bills

(there are more potential answers!)


If the minute hand is pointing the the 6 on an analog clock, what time could it be? Choose all correct answers.

a) 3:25

b) 6:00

c) 4:30

d) 6:45

e) 1:30

What is c and e (any time half past the hour)


Fred says the difference between 52 and 28 is 22. His work is shown below.

His teacher says that he is incorrect. 

*show work from google doc*

What should Fred do to fix his work to get the correct answer?

What is...

He counted backwards in jumps of 2, 20, and 8, which is finding the difference between 52 and 30. To fix his mistake, he should have jumps backwards of 2, 20, and 6 to make a total of 28. The correct answer is 24.


There are 82 mittens in a bag. Some of the mittens are made of wool. 25 mittens are not. How many mittens are made out of wool?

Decide if each equation can be used to find the number of wool mittens. Choose yes or no for each equation.

* 82 + 25 = ?

* 82 - 25 = ?

* ? + 25 = 82

* 82 - ? = 25 

What is...






Mrs. Haley has $98. She buys some new headphones for $53. What bills could she receive back as change?

What is... any bills making $45

potential answers:

- 4 $10 bills and 1 $5 bill

- 2 $20 bills and 1 $5 bill

- 45 $1 bills


Show 3:45 on the clock.

*hint- you must be SUPER accurate with the hour hand

What is...

*show on practice clock