key terms
key terms 2
key terms 3
short answer questions
multiple choice

places the government funded that were designed to rid native kids of their traditional cultures- converting them to christianity, forcing them to speak english, etc. 

"indian" boarding schools


the transformation of a country from being agriculture based to more manufacturing based



encouraged inventiveness by granting inventor exclusive rights to their invention if this was filed



how did the growth of railroads relate to westward expansion?

they allowed easier and faster travel to west for more settlers. but it hurt native population 


1.    What was the primary goal of the Dawes Act of 1887 regarding Native American Indians?

a.    Assimilating Native American Indians into mainstream American life

b.    Increasing the size of Native American Indian reservations

c.    Promoting Native American Indian languages and cultures

d.    Strengthening Native American tribal governments



to integrate (absorb) a certain cultural group of people into the population of another cultural group



political party formed in 1890s- party of the common ppl, wanted regulations on railroads, anti immigration policies, bimetallism, etc. 

populist party


farmer movement that was a response to the issues farmers were facing in the 1800s. was focused on education and activism, advocating for better working conditions, regulations on railroads, etc. 

grange movement 

how did the government encourage settlers to come out west (think of a certain law passed and describe it)

passed the homestead act, gave settlers land in exchange for them farming it and living on it


3.    How were the Granger movement and the formation of the Populist Party similar?

a.    Both wanted to end the practice of sharecropping

b.    Both wanted to improve conditions for farmers

c.    Both wanted to provide housing for urban dwellers

d.    Both wanted to increase profits for railroad companies



the coinage of both gold and silver- adds more money into circulation 



these were being killed off in large numbers by hunters and government sponsored soldiers, in attempt to starve the natives or force them onto reservations 



the term that describes the government's hands off attitude regarding the economy- no interference with the market/industry 

laissez faire


what was the big issue of the 1896 election?

should the economy be based on the gold standard or bimetallism 


6.    What was the significance of the passage of the interstate commerce act (1887)?

a.    it encouraged big business to grow by passing protective tariffs 

b.    it prevented poor quality goods from being shipped across state lines

c.    it was used to break up labor unions that interfered with free enterprise

d.    it established the principle that congress could regulate business in certain circumstances



the belief that individuals who were considered racially superior, wealthier, etc. were meant to survive in society. The weak, poor, etc. would be left to die off eventually 

social darwinism 


this law broke up reservation land and assigned native families certain plots of it to farm. also cracked down on native traditions, languages, dress, etc. 

the dawes act 1887


An economic system in which tools, factories, and other means of production are privately owned and ppl are free to buy/sell things on an open market

free enterprise system or free market system (capitalism) 


why did the farmers dislike the railroad companies? 

the railroads were charging them high tariffs to ship goods, and farmers had no choice but to pay them 


this marked the first time congress regulated industry. it required railroad companies to publicize rates and tried to outlaw excessive fees

interstate commerce act 1887


william jennings bryan warned ppl of the dangers of the gold standard and the republican elite, used religious references to get his point across 

cross of gold speech


served to unite the nation by connecting eastern and western railways 

transcontinental railroad 


name the two major issues farmers were facing during the 1800s 

1) railroad fees too high 2)crop prices too low so they're going into debt