Context Clues

True or False: When you are inferencing, you do not use information from the text and your own knowledge to figure out what is not shared by the author

What is False?


The lost campers sweltered in the heat from the desert sun. The word "sweltered" most likely means:

A) ate

B) burned

C) enjoyed

D) slept

What is B-burned?


What is a trait?

Describes how someone is or the personality of someone


What is theme?

What is the message or life lesson that an author wants a reader to know


A person, animal, or made up creature who is a part of a story

What is character?


A girl was laying next to her bicycle and crying loudly. What can her mom infer happened when she comes outside?

What is the girl fell off the bike?


The daring rock climber climbed precariously on the edge of the cliff, where there were signs that read "Do not climb here." The word "precariously" most likely means:

A) hopefully

B) lazily

C) gracefully

D) dangerously

What is D-dangerously?


Lola is trying something new and says "I'm nervous but I'll try my best."

What character trait can be used to describe Lola?

What is brave or positive?


Ace wanted to do really well in the upcoming cross country meet. He went to every practiced and even ran on his own at home. On the day of the meet, Ace finished in first place. What could be the theme of the short text?

What is hard work pays off?


When and where the story takes place.

What is setting?


Jade and Joel went to the pool. After that, they went to make sandcastles and to play in the sand. You can infer that Jade and Joel are where?

What is the beach?


Each student was allotted two tickets to the Fall Festival. The word "allotted" most likely means:

A) joyful

B) taken

C) allowed

D) fed

What is C- allowed?


Jaden is good at playing the violin. He can learn any piece of music that you give him. Sometimes he can make his own songs with the violin. He even won the school talent show when he did a rap song on his violin. What character trait could describe Jaden?

What is talented?


I looked at all the candy I could buy.  I wished that I hadn’t taken the money from my brother’s bank. “I don’t think I want to buy anything today,” I muttered quickly to the clerk. Then I ran from the store. I had learned something important—it’s better to be honest than to have money. What is the theme of this text?

What is it is better to be honest than to have money?


When you retell the important parts of a story, usually the beginning, middle, and end

What is summarize?


The coach blew the whistle. It was time for practice to start. Corey and Andrew took the ball and started doing shooting and dribbling drills. What sport can you infer that they were playing?

What is basketball?

When Jacob didn't understand the instructions, he asked the teacher to clarify them. 

What does the word clarify most likely mean?

What is explain or make clear? 


Anna is always working to assist others. She lends a hand with laundry at home. On Mondays, she stays after school to grade Mrs. Goo's papers. She does whatever is needed to serve other. Anna can be described as ________________.

What is helpful?


Mr. McNeal was supposed to cut the grass on Saturday. Instead, he waited and sat around watching football all day Saturday. He would cut the grass tomorrow. The next morning, he got dressed and headed outdoors, only to find that it was raining. What is the theme the author wants to share?

What is do not waste time or never put off for tomorrow what you can do today?


What should a summary of a text include?

A) Every detail from the text

B) Only the important details of the text

C) The first sentence of the text

D) Your opinion of the text

What is B- Only the important details of the text?


I looked at all the candy I could buy.  I wished that I hadn’t taken the money from my brother’s bank. “I don’t think I want to buy anything today,” I muttered quickly to the clerk. Then I ran from the store. I had learned something important—it’s better to be honest than to have money. What can you infer will happen next?

What is the narrator will be honest to his brother?


My Uncle JP is quite portly, whereas his wife is very thin.

What does portly mean?

What is chubby, fat, heavy?


Ronald wants to win every game in class. He even gets mad when his team does not score. If his team loses, he will not talk for a few minutes. Everyone in our class loves "Ronald McDonald" and knows that he is a fun person to be around, they just know that he wants to win every single game. A word that describes Ronald is _______________.

What is competitive?


 A day to play got washed away. Rain comes down, covers town. Eyes are sad. Rain is bad! Come downstairs. Get the chairs. Blankets, sheet, looking neat! Inside forts instead of sports Rainy day tears can turn into cheers. What is the theme of the poem?

What is rainy days can still be fun or good things can come from bad things?


Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be Mexican food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with that great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin.
The Summary of this passage is:

What is Jill has many restaurants to choose from to celebrate her birthday?