Therapeutic Careers
Diagnostic & Health Informatics
Biotech & Support
HIPAA & Ethics
Legal Responsibilities

A healthcare provider who specializes in straightening teeth



A healthcare provider who plays a crucial role in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of a disease within a laboratory, and oversees other lab workers is a:

Clinical Lab Scientist (CLS ) / Medical Lab Technologist (MT)


What is a Biomedical Equipment Technician?

healthcare worker who installs, tests, services, and repairs medical equipment 


What are pre-existing conditions?

Diseases, illnesses, or other medical conditions a person has before they sign up for an insurance plan

What is a tort? 

A wrongful act (includes malpractice, negligence, assault & battery, invasion of privacy)


The health professional who works at a Doctor's Office, takes patient vitals (blood pressure, pulse, etc), and prepares patients for exams is a:

medical assistant


A healthcare worker who collects blood and prepares it for testing



Who maintains cleanliness of the healthcare facility?

Housekeeping/Sanitation Manager


Personal Health Information includes:

  • Name, address, contact info

  • Current conditions, illnesses, disorders

  • Healthcare visits


What is negligence?

Failure to give care that is normally excepted (healthcare provider forgot something important that they were trained to do)


A healthcare provider who study behaviors of individuals or groups to understand human behavior is known as a:



What does a Radiologic Technologist do?

Uses x-ray, radiation, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance to diagnose and treat disease


A healthcare worker who develops vaccines, medicines, and treatments for diseases is known as a:

biological/medical scientist


When using electronic documentation, what are three considerations to keep in mind in order to comply with HIPAA?

  • Must be password protected

  • Cybersecurity in place

  • NEVER leave computer open for other patients to see


Give examples of possible criminal law cases against doctors.

Criminal = Practicing without a license, misuse of narcotics, theft, sexual assault, and murder 


A healthcare provider who examines eyes to diagnose various vision problems is a:



A healthcare worker who assigns specific codes to patient diagnoses and treatment procedures is a:

Medical Coder


A person who helps to investigate crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence

Forensic Science Technocian


Moral standards are dependent on many things. List a few. 

Culture, Age, Life experiences, Role Models, Religious Values


List one right a patient has under the Consumer Bill of Rights

Any of the following:

  • Receive accurate and easy to understand information in making informed healthcare decisions

  • Access to EMS when/where the need arises

  • Not be discriminated against in the delivery of healthcare info base on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or source of payment


Describe the difference in education between a physician and a physician's assistant. 

Physician = bachelors + doctorate + residency

PA-C = bachelor's + masters


Compare a Health Information Administrator to a Medical Secretary.

Health Info Admin = Oversees all of the medical records department. Needs Bachelor's and/or Master's Degree

Medical Secretary = often work at receptionist desk, schedule appointments, verify insurance. On the job training is typical for this job 


Compare the education needed to become a biomedical engineer and a biomedical equipment technician.

Biomedical eng = Bachelors + Masters

Tech = Associates

What is the difference between laws and ethics? 

Laws = external rules written by others (ie government)

Ethics = internal rules that guide a person's behavior; based on morals/values/beliefs

List and describe the two advance directives. 

Durable power of attorney = patient appoints a specific individual to make healthcare decisions for them if they are no longer able to

Living Will = legal document where patient writes out medical care plan in case patient's status becomes terminal (DNR is a part of a living will)