Unit rates
Equivalent ratios
Graphing proportion
Problem Solving

A specific amount of something per one unit of measurement.  

What is unit rate?


A way to measure speed. 

What is distance over time (miles per hour, meters per second, etc)?


I have $20. I can buy 5 pounds of candy. If I double how much I spend, how much candy can I buy? 

What is 10 pounds of candy? 


This is how many sunny days happen during 6 rainy days. 

What is 12 sunny days? 


Cody's jogging speed is on the graph. Ben's speed is y=12x. This is the person who is faster

Who is Cody?


The equation that describes a proportional relationship. 

What is y= kx or what is k = y/x?

If 5 pounds of candy costs 20 bucks, This is the cost for each pound. 

What is 4 dollars a pound? 


I lifeguard part time , and last weekend I worked 6 hours and made $120. This is how much I would make if I left an hour early. 

What is $100


This graph represents this because it goes through the origin and has a straight line. 

What is proportionality or a proportional relationship?


apples are on sale: they cost a dollar for four. This is the price for 15 of them. 

What is $3.75

A comparison between two different amounts linking them. Usually listed as " y to x,  y : x, or y/x " 

What is a ratio?


If I buy 6 ounces of pepper in a shaker, and it costs me $9 this is the cost per ounce.  

What is $1.50


I can run 3 miles in 24 minutes. This is the speed (in minutes per mile) my friend has to run to keep up with me. 

What is 8 minutes per mile

This is a graph that shows this data

What is (display graph where line goes through origin and points 2, 8, 4, 16, etc.) 


This is the ratio of weight per quart

What is 1.4 or  1 and 2/5ths?


A number that doesn't change, for instance, K 

What is a constant? 


If I drive the speed limit (65) on the highway, and I am headed to visit my grandmother in Pennsylvania, 390 miles away, this is how long it will take me to get there. 

What is 6 hours? 


A recipe I'm using for waffles calls for 2 eggs and 1.5 cups of flour, but it only feeds four people and I have 10 people. How much eggs and flour do I need?  

What is 5 eggs and 3.75 cups of flour? 


This is the formula for the proportional relationship shown. 

What is y=6x?


Two trains are traveling at a constant rate. Find the rate of each train. This is the rate of the faster train.  

What is Train A?

When a number in one category is multiplied, the number in a second category increases by the same multiplier. 

What is an Equivalent ratio?


If I can type 56 words per minute, this is how many words I can type in an hour.

What is 3,360(words per hour)? 


This is the minute equivalent to 1 mile per hour. 

What is 1/60 miles per minute? 


This is the ratio of yellow paint to blue paint that makes a specific green paint. 

What is 5/6?


Last year, 3 and 1/2 acres of strawberry fields produced approximately 14,700 pounds of strawberries. This year the number of acres planted with strawberries is increased to 5 acres. This number is the amount of pounds of strawberries produced.  

What is 21,000 Pounds?