P (Positive Emotion)
E (Flow)
R (Relationships)
M (Meaning)
A (Self-Efficacy)

What is the Losada ratio? (list the numbers and their context)

3:1 The Losada ratio comes a business study and shows how it takes 3 positive experiences to cancel 1 negative experience.


Flow is ... 

State of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake

"Intrinsically rewarding"


What is the supreme emotion?

<3 Love <3


What are the 2 'big questions' that humans share? 

What is the meaning of existence?

 How can I live a meaningful life?


Albert Bandura wanted people to increase their self-esteem. Self-esteem is increased through



Positivity does what for us? (2 things)

Broadens - opens us up to be more receptive and creative

Builds - transforms us for the better, allowing us to discover and build skills


List 2 of the elements of flow

A Challenging Activity that Requires Skill

Merging of Action and Awareness 

Clear Goals


Concentration on the Task at Hand

Sense of Control 

Loss of Self-Consciousness

Transformation of Time


What is Gottman's divorce ratio? (the numbers and their context)

5:1 The ratio is from a study showing that marriages experiencing five positive interactions to one negative interaction are less likely to result in a divorce.


Define Hedonia and Eudaimonia

  • Hedonia: pleasure, feeling good

  • Eudaimonia: meaningful, being and doing good 

  • Huta and Ryan Study
    College students pursue meaning or happiness over 10 days.

  • Hedonia subjects reported sleeping in, playing games, going shopping, eating sweets.

    • Mood boost faded after 3 months

  • Eudaimonia subjects reported forgiving a friend, studying, thinking about values, helping or cheering up another person

    • After 3 months felt enriched and inspired w/ fewer negative moods


Self Efficacy is

Belief in one’s ability to complete a task


Name 3 of Fredrickson's 10 Forms of Positivity

Love           Joy 

Gratitude    Serenity 

Interest      Hope 

  Pride         Amusement

Inspiration   Awe 


One of the 5 C's of family flow







What are the 2 preconditions of love?

Perception of safety

Sensory and temporal connection (eye contact, smiling, touch,
voice, mirrored body gestures) 


Name the 3 conditions of Meaning

  1. Life is significant

  2. Life makes sense

  3. You are driven by a divine sense of purpose


The Self-Efficacy Theory is fulfilled in 4 ways. Name 2 of them. 

Efficacy Attainment

Vicarious Experience

Verbal Persuasion

Physiological and Affective States


Positivity Resonance is (list 2 of 3 things)

Sharing 1+ positive emotions between you and another

Synchronous biochemistry

Reflective motive to invest in each other’s well-being  


List an autotelic personality characteristic that leads us away from flow 

Possible responses:

Attentional disorders and stimulus overinclusion

Excessive self-consciousness and self-centeredness

Anomie: Access to culturally recognized goals is block

Alienation: constrained by social system to act against goals

Neurophysiology and Flow


According to our class what is love? (hint: the study guide lists 3 things)

Possible responses:

A supreme emotion

A micro-moment of warmth and connection shared with another human.

Love makes us feel alive and human.


What are the five pillars of meaning?

Belonging - we are important in a group

Purpose - contribute to society, “calling”

Storytelling - journal your life to improve it

Transcendence - reinterpret with perspective

Growth - through adversity

To help you remember "Big Pillars Stand Tall" 

  • Belonging

    • Relationship with others - we are important, find your tribe

  • Purpose

    • Mission tied to contributing to society - zookeeper example 

  • Storytelling

    • Making sense of our experiences and who we are through narrative - journaling 

  • Transcendence

    • Connection to something bigger than self - spirituality

  • Growth - seeing adversity as opportunity to grow


What are 3 ways you can generalize your efficacy beliefs?

Overwhelming Mastery Experiences

Identification of similar sub-skills


Cognitive Restructuring

Generalizing sub-skills


The Positivity toolkit can help to increase positive emotions and can help decrease negative emotions. Name 3 of the tools listed in the toolkit

Possible responses:

Be open        Create high-quality connections 

Cultivate kindness         Develop distractions 

Dispute negative thinking      Find nearby nature

Learn and apply your strengths      Meditate mindfully 

Meditate loving kindness           Ritualize gratitude 

Savor positivity               Visualize your future 


Name a cultural example of flow (one that maximized or minimized flow)

Minimizing Flow:

  • Industrial Revolution

  • Ik of Uganda

  • Yonomamo of Venezuela

Maximizing Flow:

  • Indian Tribes of BC


What are 2 of the 3 biological impacts of love?

1. Brain synchronicity

2. Common oxytocin waves

3. Builds capacity of the vagus nerve (calming connection between respiratory and 

heart rates) <- helps improve physical health, social skill, and overall well-being.


How do the happiness levels of wealthy countries compare to that of poorer countries?

  • Wealthy countries had high satisfaction levels but low meaning levels 

  • Poorer countries have high levels of meaning despite feeling unhappy

  • High suicide rates in wealthy, happy countries

  • *Happiness and unhappiness did not predict suicide rates

    • Lack of meaning did predict suicide rates


What are overwhelming mastery experiences? 

When people face and overcome challenges they previously thought were substantially beyond their capabilities.