Native Americans & Christopher Columbus
13 Colonies
Slavery vs. Indentured
Bacon's Rebellion

Who was the head of the clan?

The Clan Mother


What is Migration?

Moving from one place to another.


What is an indentured servant?

A person who works as a servant for colonists. The indentured servant has to pay off the debt used to bring them over to the New World.


Bacon's Rebellion refers to Bacon as who?

Nathaniel Bacon, the Virginia colonist.


What is Geography?



The Native Americans were indigenous people. What does indigenous mean?                             

Originating from a place.


What is the difference between a colony and a region?

A colony is the separate territories and a region is a group of colonies (cluster).


What is slavery?

Slavery is a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property.

This government building was burned down during the rebellion and this happen to the governor.

What is House of Burgess and Governor Berkeley.


What is Economy?  



What Native American tribe did Columbus meet first?

The Taino Tribe


What are the 3 regions? Which region is known for slavery? What crops did the slaves harvest?

The Middle, Southern and New England Region. The southern region is known for slavery. The slaves harvested tobacco, cotton, corn, and sugar cane, etc.


What happened during the middle passage?

Enslaved Africans were being taken away from their homeland and brought to Americas to work for the colonists.


What was Bacon's Rebellion?

A war in which poor Virginia farmers attacked Algonquian Indians and wealthy plantation owners to gain land.


Who was the French and Indian War between?

France and the Native Americans fought against the 13 colonies and Great Britain.

What organization is similar to the Native American Government?

The United Nations.


What was the climate and geography like in the Southern and Northern region?

The northern region was cold, had forest, a coastal region. The southern region was hot and had fertile soil and flat.


What caused colonists to switch to slavery?

Indentured servants were not permanent.


Who was apart of Bacon's Rebellion?

The governor of Virginia, Nathaniel Bacon, united slaves and indentured servants, Native Americans and rich colonists.


What is the Bering Land Bridge and what happened to it?

The Bering land bridge is a land bridge that was uncovered when the sea levels went down. The bridge went back under water after the glaciers melted.


What helped Native Americans survive their environment?

By adapting to their environment. Agriculture, tools, and animals is helped them survive.


How did colonization affect the Native Americans?

Colonization forced the Native Americans out of their own land and almost caused their race to go extinct.


What is the difference between an indentured servant and a slave?

Indentured servants can be anyone and they can be freed after they pay off the debt. Slavery was permanent and only for black people.


What was the aftermath of Bacon's Rebellion and why did this happen?

The French and Indian War and Permanent African enslavement. The French and NA didn't mind sharing the land but the British wanted it all to themselves. The British colonies switched because they made more money and invested much less into the workforce.


What is the Columbian Exchange?

The transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World of Europe and Africa and the New World of the Americas.