the speed of the music (the number on the metronome)
a slight interruption of the tongue
indicates a section of music should be repeated
repeat sign
a dot after a note increases a note's duration by half
Dotted note
dividing a note into smaller rhythmic parts
beats per minute, how many times the metronome will sound in 1 minute
by default, all notes are tongued unless they are marked with a slur
repeat from the beginning
single repeat sign
a dot adds half the value of the note to the note
the dot rule
the internal rhythm within a note
numbers that appear at the beginning of a song to tell you how many beats are in a measure and what kind of notes gets 1 beat
time signature
a curved line connecting two or more different pitches, designates you do note tongue the notes
repeat only the section enclosed in the repeat
internal repeat sign
a note with the duration of 3 beats
dotted half note
How many quarter note pulses are in a whole note?
beats per measure
True or False: The first note in a group of slurred notes should be tongued
What is the order to play a four measure piece of music when measure 3 and 4 have internal repeat signs?
Measure 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4
a note with the duration of 1 1/2 beats
dotted quarter note
What does the number on the bottom of the time signature?
the kind of note that gets 1 beat
If a note does note indicate that it should be slurred, you should ___________.
If the repeat sign is at the end of the music, where should you go back to?
measure 1
a note with the duration with the duration of 6 beats
dotted whole note
How many eighth note pulses are in a dotted half note?