Native Culture
Native History
Native Geography

What is a popular Native American bread similar to a biscuit doughnut?  

What is fry bread?


What term is used to describe when two Native American tribes came together to form one larger tribe?

What is merge?


What Native American tribe is still found in Mississippi today?

What is the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians?

What word best fits the following definition: A Native American fishing method which requires the fisherman to dive below the water to grab a fish from inside a hole or hollow log. 

What is grabbling? 


What French Fort later became known as the city of Natchez?

What is Fort Rosalie? 


What ceremony was held around the harvest season to celebrate the harvest and forgive others?

What is the Green Corn Ceremony?

What president pushed the Indian Removal Act through congress?

Who was President Andrew Jackson?


What animal escaped into the wilderness of the southern forests under Hernando Desoto?

What are the razorbacks?


What word best fits the following definition: A smaller tribe which joined forces with a larger tribe to avoid being whiped out.

What is a refugee tribe? 


What does MSBCI stand for?

What is Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians? 


What is the name given to the leader of an Indian tribe?

What is Mingo or Chief?

What is the name of the 1,000 mile path that many Native Americans were forced to take after the signing of the Indian Removal Act?

What is the trail of tears?


What place, mentioned in the Bible, did Hernando De Soto and others describe the forests of Mississippi as looking like? 

What is the Garden of Eden?

What word best fits the following definition: A Native American crop with a ceremony centered around its harvest each fall. This crop could be made into many different foods.

What is corn?

What is maize?


What term best fits the following definition: A group of people who only ever marry outside of their immediate family or clan.

What is exogamic?


What game do the Choctaw Indians enjoy playing where the goal is to hit a post with a ball?

What is stickball? 


Which Mississippi Native American tribe lost its last living member in 1925? 

What is the Natchez Tribe? 


What is the name of the large structures made out of dirt found across many Native American archaeological sites called? 

What are mounds? 


What word best fits the following definition: The leader of the 5 Natchez indian village regions. His name has a commonality with the largest physical body in our solar system.

Who was the Great Sun? 


Which of the three major Native American tribes of Mississippi was the most hostile towards outsiders?

Who are the Chickasaw? 


Who is the current chief of the MSBCI?

Who is Cyrus Ben?


The Indian Removal Act required that Native Americans give up their land with the promise of receiving land in the Oklahoma Indian Territory. What term best fits that idea?

What is land cession? 


What term best fits the following definition: A society or people who farm to survive.

What is Agrarian? 


What word best fits the following definition: A small, wooden tube with a cup at the end used for holding tobacco. 

What is a calumet?


Having no form of written language, what did the Native Americans use to tell short stories through images? 

What is pictography?