What in the Square Deal?
The Progressives
Who's Who?

Who came up with the "Square Deal"? 

Teddy Roosevelt


_________ is the process by which rural communities grow to form cities.

A. Industrialization

B. Immigration

C. Urbanization

D. None of the above

C. Urbanization


The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act is a bill that:

A. Outlawed corporate monopolies
B. Allowed the U.S. people to not trust the government.
C. Allowed Sherman Adams to be in congress.
D. Outlawed small businesses

A. Outlawed corporate monopolies

Samuel Gompers founded the ___________ in 1886, winning wage increases and shorter workweeks.  

A. American Indian School
B. American Federation of Labor
C. American Factory Association
D. American Railroad Union

B. American Federation of Labor

Who was the president before Barack Obama? 

George W. Bush +400 POINTS!


Using the cartoon and your content knowledge, Theodore Roosevelt would most likely have agreed with which of the following statements? 

A. Trusts should not be regulated by the government  
B. Only bad trusts should be busted up 
C. All trusts should be busted up 
D. All trusts prevent the rise of monopolies 

B. Only bad trusts should be busted up 

Which one of the following industries would be the MOST negatively impacted by the Industrial Revolution of the Gilded Age?

A. Oil
B. Agriculture
C. Steel
D. Railroads

B. Agriculture


What was the purpose of the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906?

A. To protect consumers by regulating the food and drug industry
B. To lower the cost of essential foods and drugs for consumers
C. To prevent shortages by regulating the supply of food and drugs
D. To reduce production costs for food and drug manufacturers

A. To protect consumers by regulating the food and drug industry

  • Conservation of western lands
  • Pure Food & Drug Act
  • Hepburn Act

Using the chart and your content knowledge-Identify the Presidential Administration that was responsible for these Progressive achievements.

A. William McKinley
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. William Howard Taft
D. Woodrow Wilson

Theodore Roosevelt


For 500 points, stand up and sing happy birthday like Elvis Presley

Sike, you just embarrassed yourself. Sit down. -100 for being gullable.


This president came after Theodore Roosevelt in 1909

A. Calvin Coolidge
B. Lincoln Steffens
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. William Howard Taft

D. William Howard Taft

What conclusions about industrialization and Progressivism might one draw from the graph?

A. The Progressive Era apparently had little effect on the number of children employed in the American workplace.
B. Industrialization increased the demand for child labor, but Progressive reforms probably helped to reduce child labor.
C. Industrialization probably had no relationship to the number of children employed in the United States.
D. Industrialization increased the demand for child labor, and Progressive reforms probably did little to reduce child labor.

B. Industrialization increased the demand for child labor, but Progressive reforms probably helped to reduce child labor.

The list below displays the titles of some books published during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

  • The Jungle
  • How the Other Half Lives
  • The Shame of the Cities

Which significant motivation led to the publication of these works?

A. a desire to create public outrage and advocate for war
B. a desire to create public support and advocate for unions
C. a desire to expose societal problems and advocate for reform
D. a desire to expose domestic abuse and advocate for temperance

C. a desire to expose societal problems and advocate for reform

Social activist and journalist
Author of The Jungle  
Worked to expose the working and living conditions of immigrant workers in "Packingtowns" like Chicago
Took aim at America's heart in his writing but instead hit the stomach of most Americans

Upton Sinclair


For an opportunity to swap points with one team of your choice, what are the first names of our administration at CMS? 

Rick, Ronald, Tressa


With his Square Deal, Theodore Roosevelt hoped to

A. help pull the United States out of the Great Depression.
B. increase the influence and power of the United States among the nations of the world.
C. keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor.
D. help business trusts remain competitive.

C. keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor.

What statement below would NOT be true about the effects of child labor during the Gilded Age?

A. Being paid lower wages than an adult
B. Missing out on education
C. Longer life expectancy
D. Hazardous working conditions
E. All are negatives

C. Longer life expectancy

Using the newspaper headlines and your content knowledge, which of the following answers explains what individuals of the Progressive movement were interested in?

A. Promoting laissez-faire capitalism 
B. Improving the plight of immigrants 
C. Ending the process of urbanization 
D. Correcting the abuses of Big Business 

D. Correcting the abuses of Big Business 

How did the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle contribute to a change in the relationship between government and business?

A.Federal troops were mobilized to break strikes by labor unions.
B. Government regulations requiring the inspection of food products were implemented.
C. Congress created a regulatory agency to audit railroads.
D. Laws were enacted that banned private companies from discriminating when hiring.

B. Government regulations requiring the inspection of food products were implemented.

Do an impersonation of me to receive a surprise bonus. 

Bad impression. No bonus. -200


The excerpt below is from a speech delivered by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908.

How did criticism like this affect the United States during the turn of the 20th century?

A. It provided support for the National Park Service that protected public lands.
B. It provided support for laws that restricted the hunting of endangered animals.
C. It led to the regulation of energy usage by limiting the importation of foreign fuel.
D. It led to the regulation of large corporations by the Interstate Commerce Act.

A. It provided support for the National Park Service that protected public lands.

Select the BEST answer from below as to why the Amalgamated Union went on strike from Carnegie Steel Company.

A. The equipment they used was old and dangerous
B. Their pay was cut after asking for a raise 
C. The Pinkerton Detectives opened fire on the workers
D. They wanted more days off

B. Their pay was cut after asking for a raise


This is a Multiple Select question, meaning there is more than one correct answer. Choose all answers that are correct.
Supporters of women's suffrage engaged in political and social activism in order to

A. draw attention to the cruelty of women's suffrage 
B. increase public support for women's suffrage 
C. pressure the government to support women's suffrage 
D. pressure the government to oppose women's suffrage 

B. increase public support for women's suffrage 
C. pressure the government to support women's suffrage 

Upton Sinclair

Lincoln Steffens

Ida Tarbell

Jacob Riis


Standard Oil

Meat Packing Industry

Child Labor

Impoverished living conditions

Upton Sinclair: Meat Packing Industry

Lincoln Steffens: Child Labor

Ida Tarbell: Standard Oil

Jacob Riis: Impoverished Living Conditions


What is the capital of Texas? 

Austin DOUBLE POINTS! (if correct)