Essays for Arguments
Prose Poetry

It's the way that an author wraps up their argument by summarizing their overall points with a fresh insight and description.

What is a conclusion?


Symbols are characters, settings, objects or images that represent themselves and something else - usually this kind of idea, the opposite of something concrete.

What are abstract ideas? 


It's the type of characterization where an author tells us explicitly what a character is like or things about them.

What is direct characterization?


In most works of modern writing, a theme is described as this - which means it is not directly stated.

What is implied/implicit?


This is the term for all writing that is non-poetic.

What is prose?


This quality of good evidence is about whether the source is trustworthy and authoritative.

What is credibility?

An author lets the other side of the argument have a say for a moment before responding to say why that argument is not true.

What is a counterclaim?


Traditional stories often feature things like water as a symbol for life or rebirth, and those symbols are described using this adjective for things that are understood across time and culture.

What is universal?


Isabella's telling her sisters that she gets to pick who comes to the house first because she's eldest is an example of this type of indirect characterization.

What is speech?


One of the ways to figure out a theme is to pay attention to the development of this - the way an author tells us about participants in the story.

What is characterization?


Prose poems often lack these separation of sentences that are found in most poetry.

What are line breaks? [Also accept - What are stanzas?]


The evidence you use in an essay needs to come from multiple different types of sources in order to meet this quality of good evidence.

What is variety?


If an author opens their essay without one of these, the audience is going to feel like they're just being dropped into the middle of an argument.

What is a hook?

In "The Doll's House," understanding the lamp as a symbol of kindness and enlightenment takes observations of the behavior of these two characters in regards to the lamp.

Who are Kezia and Else? [also accept Isabella]


This type of characterization is where an author gives us information about a character by showing their actions, physical appearance, and other details.

What is indirect characterization?

The theme of "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant centered around the actions and reactions of this character to the loss of her friend's necklace.

Who is Mathilde?


"Sonnet, With Bird" contains this specific poetic element that recalls the length of the type of poetry referenced in its title.

What are 14 segments/lines?


This quality of good evidence has to do with whether the evidence logically connects to the claim being supported.

What is relevance?


These words and phrases are used to show the connections between paragraphs or ideas in the essay.

What is a transitional expression?


The title of the poem "Fences" implies that there are multiple of the title object, but the poem only mentions one. This abstract idea is represented by the physical fence.

What is class separation?


When an author gives us access to the thinking of a character, it is this type of indirect characterization.

What are inner thoughts?


Theme is a term we typically assign to fiction and poetry writing; this term is the same concept but for non-fiction.

What is a central idea? 


"Elliptical" structures itself as a prose poem by using nothing but these: the term for a sentence that is missing a complete subject, predicate, or both.

What is a fragment?


This type of evidence is a short, personal story told as an example or to give insight into a claim.

What is an anecdote?


This is the name of the organization that sets the rules for the type of evidence documentation used in most English classroom papers and essays.

What is the MLA?


The end of "Sonnet, With Bird" talks about eggs which could be a universal symbol of these abstract ideas.

What is life/birth?


Kezia Burnell's obsession with the lamp in the doll house is an example of this type of indirect characterization.

What is reaction?


Themes are expressed in complete sentences. They are complete ideas, unlike this term, related to theme, which is an oft repeated idea or central focus of a fiction piece or poem. It is usually expressed as just a word or phrase.

What is a motif?


Mr. Neas bought 36 of these at Costco the other week. It's a good thing considering you need at least 3 to equal a normal breakfast.

What are quail eggs?


If my evidence for an English grammar question is a quotation about grammar from a math teacher, my evidence is lacking this quality.

What is credibility?