Mix 1
Mix 2
Mix 3
Word Problems
Multiplication facts

A garden has 9 rows of tomato plants. There are 7 plants in each row. 

How many tomato plants does the garden have? 



Model 3 groups of 5

Students should have three groups with 5 objects in each group


Tara arranges her dimes into 4 rows and 9 columns. Morgan arranges her dimes into 9 rows and 4 columns. Who has more dimes? Explain. 

๐–  Tara because 4 ร— 9 7 9 ร— 4. 

๐–ก Morgan because 9 ร— 4 7 4 ร— 9. 

๐–ข Tara because 4 ร— 9 7 9 + 4. 

๐–ฃ They have the same number because 4 ร— 9 = 9 ร— 4.

D they have the same number because 4 x9 = 9x4


Mrs. Holmes puts 2 chocolate chip cookies and 3 peanut butter cookies in a bag. She gave 10 bags to her students. How many cookies did she give to her students?

50 cookies.


Show how you know that  2 x 7 and 7 x 2 have the same product.

Commutative property of multiplication

Draw 2 groups with 7 objects and 7 groups with 2 objects


Every morning, Felix does 10 pushups and marks each one with an X on a calendar. There are 7 days in a week. How many Xs will Felix mark in a week?



Model 2 x 6

Students should have 2 groups with 6 objects in each


Louis got 5 questions correct on an assignment. Each question is worth 3 points. He wrote the expression 5 ร— 3 to represent how many points he earned in all. Which expression is equal to 5 ร— 3? 

๐–  5 ร— 6 

B 5 ร— 5 

C 3 ร— 5 

๐–ฃ 6 ร— 5

C 3 x 5

Mrs. Holmes had 16 students in her class. She broke her class into 8 groups to do projects. How many students were in each group?

2 students


What property says that you can multiply factors in any order and get the same product?

Commutative Property of Multiplication


James is thinking of a mystery number. He says the number is a multiple of 5. Which can be in the ones place of Jamesโ€™s number?

0 0r 5


Which two expressions does the model represent?

a. 5x4

b. 5+4

c. 4+4+4+4+4

d. 4x5

A and C


 Tamika has 2 pies. She cuts each pie into 6 pieces. Choose the equation you could use to find the number of pieces of pie that Tamika has.

 ๐–  6 , 2 = 3 

๐–ก 2 + 6 = 8 

๐–ข 2 ร— 6 = 12

C 2 x 6 = 12


The cafeteria has 8 tables with 9 seats at each table. How many students can eat in the cafeteria?

45 students


9 x 8



A bracelet has 3 different-colored beads that make a pattern red-green-yellow. The pattern repeats 10 times. Find the total number of beads in the bracelet.

 ๐–  13 

๐–ก 15 

๐–ข 20

D 30

 D 30


Which multiplication equation does the array represent?

A. 4 x 6=10

B. 4 x 6=24

C. 6 x 4=10

D. 6 x 4=24

B. 4 x 6=24


Adam and Cesar each have 6 buckets to fill for a gardening project. What is an expression that shows the total number of buckets they need to fill?

6 รท 2


The third grade had jump ropes. Mrs. Holmes's class had 6 jump ropes. Mr. Elm's class had 4 jump ropes. Mrs. Turco's class had 3 jump ropes. Ms. Majewski's class had 5 jump ropes. Each jump rope had two handles. How many jump rope handles did third grade have?

36 jump rope handles


20 x 7



Jaxson has 5 window boxes to plant flowers in. Each window box holds 10 flowers. How many flowers does he need to buy to fill his boxes? 

๐–  5 

B 50 

C 10 

๐–ฃ 60

B 50


Mrs. Holmes has a bookshelf with 3 shelves. Each shelf holds 7 books. How many books does Mrs. Holmes have? Model your equation.

21 books

Must have appropriate model


Callie found 6 ladybugs. Each ladybug has 5 spots. What is an expression that could be used to find the total number of spots on all the ladybugs?

6 x 5 


Three farmers had momma pigs. The first farmer had 3 pigs. The second farmer had 5 pigs. The third farmer had 7 pigs. Each pig had 4 piglets. How many piglets did the farmers have altogether?

60 piglets


12 x 7