Era of Good Feelings
Andrew Jackson
2nd Great Awakening
Mexican American War

This is a tax/tariff on goods coming from another country, making them more expensive. This forced Americans to buy things made in America.

What is a Protective Tariff


This is the practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs.

What is the spoils system

To reduce or eliminate the use of alchohol
What is the purpose of the temperance movement?

This was the idea that the U.S. was divinely ordained to expand from coast to coast

What is Manifest Destiny


What was the American System?

A series of major changes that made the U.S. stronger through building roads, canals, and  a national bank.


What is the Missouri Compromise?

1). Missouri becomes a slave state 

2). Maine becomes a free state


This event occurred in 1838 that forced the removal of Cherokee Indians by foot from Georgia to the Great Plains during the winter.

What is The Trail of Tears

This woman spent much of her life working to improve conditions for the mentally ill.
Who was Dorothea Dix?

What was the U.S. goal for the Mexican American War

What is expanding territory


What State or Territory did Mexico want back that became part of the reason for War?



This part of the country favored business and industry, with factories leading the way.

The North.


This nickname was given to a group of 5 Native Americans who had their own written language, a newspaper, and their own constitution.

What are Civilized Tribes

This abolitionist started a newspaper, The Liberator, and also founded the American Anti-Slavery Society, the main organization of abolitionist reformers.
Who was William Lloyd Garrison?

What river did the U.S. believe was the border between the U.S. and Mexico?

Rio Grande River


This part of the country relied primarily on slave labor for an agrarian society.

The South.


What would be the negative impact of the cotton gin?

Cotton could be cleaned faster, which means now more was planted and more slaves would be needed.


This party was created by Jackson's supporters that was used between elections to build a new political organization.

What is the Democratic Party

This document was used a a model for the Declaration of Sentiments read by Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the Seneca Falls Convention on July 14th, 1848.
What is the Declaration of Independence?

What river did Mexico believe was the border between the U.S. and Mexico?

Nueces River


In the 1830s, the American Indians were removed from their homelands and sent to this location where many of them died.

What is modern day Oklahoma?


Why was it called "The Era of Good Feelings?"

It was called this because America was feeling good about itself after it beat England in the War of 1812, bought the Louisiana Purchase, funded the Lewis and Clark Expedition, was growing powerful and moving West!


This was an act that was passed by Congress allowing the President to make treaties to force the Indians to trade their lands in the East for lands on the Great Plains.

What is The Indian Removal Act

Known as the Father of the American Public School, this man also supported the efforts to improve lives for the mentally ill.
Who was Horace Mann?

Name the treaty that ended the Mexican American War.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


This former slave created the newspaper titled The North Star.

Who is Frederick Douglass?