The estimate of 8 x 92
What is 720?
Mr. Quales has 23 students. Each student has 4 candy canes. How many candy canes are in the classroom?
What is 92?
The answer to 8 x 781
What is 6,248?
What is 8,642?
The answer to 11 x 45
What is 495?
The estimate of 3 x 749
What is 2,100
NMCS has 16 buses. If each school bus can hold 25 people, how many people can go on a field trip at the same time?
What is 400?
The answer to 2 x 631
What is 1,262?
The answer to 4 x 6745
What is 26,980?
The answer to 24 x 32
What is 768?
The estimate of 6 x 7,892
What is 48,000?
The Grinch "visited" 37 houses in WhoVille last night. If each house had 57 bowls of Who Hash that he stole, how many bowls did he take?
What is 2,109 bowls?
The answer to 4 x 567
What is 2,268?
The answer to 6 x 8,731
What is 52,386?
The answer to 46 x 89
What is 4,094?
The estimate of 34 x 48
What is 1,500?
Over summer break, Mr. Curell visited 67 countries. He bought 35 snow globes in each country. How many snow globes did he buy?
What is 2,345 snow globes?
The answer to 5 x 792
What is 3,960?
The answer to 7 x 6269
What is 43,883?
The answer to 62 x 78
What is 4,836?
The estimate of 77 x 89
What is 7,200?
The United States has 50 states. If each state has 345 government officials, how many government officials are in the country?
What is 17,250 government officials?
The answer to 9 x 768
What is 6,912?
The answer to 8 x 9357
What is 74,856?
The answer to 99 x 88
What is 8,712?