Joshua, Judges, Ruth

These are the names of Adam and Eve's sons, and what God gave to one of them after they did something wrong.

Who are Cain and Abel, and the (Cain's) mark of protection?


This is the name of the sea the Moses splits when the Egyptians chase after the Israelites.

What is the Red Sea?


This is the cycle / pattern that characterizes the Israelites' actions in the Book of Judges.

What is: they turn away from God, God allows other nations to rule over the Israelites, they cry out to God for help, God sends a deliverer / judge to save them, the judge defeats the enemy (and repeat)?


These are the names of the prophet + three kings that we read about.

What are: Samuel (prophet) + Saul, David, and Solomon (kings)?


This is the special year that we're in.

What is the Jubilee Year?


This is what happened on the very first day when God created the universe.

What is He created light and darkness?


This is where the Ten Commandments are kept.

What is the ark of the covenant?


This is the story of the most famous judge (please use the key associated words in your story).

What is Samson.... key associated word = Nazirite?


This is what Samuel uses to anoint the future kings.

What is oil?


These are the Baptismal names of everyone in our class.

What is: Hannah (Hannah), Pio (Ethan), Mark (Johan), Edward (Edward), and Michael (Ryan)?


These are the original names of Abraham and Sarah.

What are Abram and Sarai?


These are the 3 miracles that God performed through Moses when they were walking towards the Promised Land. (Hint: how did they survive during this time?)

What are: God sent manna and quail to the Israelites, and Moses struck water from a rock?


This is the story of Joshua (please use the key associated words in your story).

What is Joshua... key associated word = Fall of Jericho?


This is one of the stories that we read about King David.

What is: the story of David and Goliath and/or David and Bathsheba?


This is the name of the mascot for this Jubilee Year.

What is Luce?


This is what symbolizes the lost unity of the human race.

What is the Tower of Babel?


These are 5 of the 10 plagues that were brought upon Egypt.

(Bonus 100 points if you can list all 10!)

What are: 1) God turned the water to blood, 2) frogs, 3) gnats, 4) flies, 5) God caused the livestock to die, 6) boils, 7) hail, 8) locusts, 9) total darkness for 3 days, and 10) God caused all the firstborn sons to die?


This is the story of the female judge we learned about (please use the key associated words in your story).

What is Deborah... key associated word = Song of Deborah?


These are the three things that King Solomon is known for.

What is: 1) diplomacy / wisdom, 2) Temple of Jerusalem, 3) Literature / Psalms + Song of Songs?


These are three symbols that we can see in our Jubilee Year mascot.

What are: yellow sailor's raincoat (Vatican flag), yellow hood (flame), muddy rubber boots (she's ready for the journey ahead), shells in her eyes (pilgrimage), missionary cross and pilgrim's staff?


This is how God reveals himself to us.

What is: through His creation, through Divine Revelation? (And the Bible / tradition helps us to know this)


These are 5 of the 10 Commandments.

(Bonus 100 points if you can list all 10!)

What are: 1) There is only one God, 2) You shall not take the Lord's name in vain, 3) You shall keep the Lord's day holy, 4) Honor your parents, 5) You shall not kill, 6) You shall not commit adultery, 7) You shall not steal, 8) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9) You shall not covet your neighbor's wife 10) You shall not covet your neighbor's goods?


This is the story of Ruth, why she's important, and who she's related to. (please use the key associated theme in your story).

What is Ruth.... key associated theme = loyalty / self-sacrifice; she is related to King David?


This is what Eli tells Samuel to say if God calls him a third time.

What is: "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening"?


These are the first 12-14 books of the Bible that we have learned so far.

(Bonus 100 points for whoever can name the 13th and 14th)

What are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles?