the chloroplast
The last two steps of respiration occur here
the Mitochondria
the arrow represents this
transfer of energy
when organisms of the same/different species fight over food, mates, shelter
Where the electron transport chain takes place
these are the inputs for photosynthesis
water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight
This step uses the NADH from previous steps with oxygen to make ATP and water
Electron Transport Chain
Tertiary consumers eat these
secondary consumers
Type of interaction where one organism preys upon another for food
Glycolysis occurs here
These are the outputs for photosynthesis
glucose and oxygen
ATP, water, and carbon dioxide
Primary consumers are usually this type of organism
Type of symbiosis where one is helped and the other is neither helped nor harmed
The light dependent step occurs here
thylakoids of the chloroplast
this step converts ATP and carbon dioxide into glucose
Light Independent
This step breaks glucose into pyruvate
this is the name of the top carnivore in an ecosystem
Apex Predator
Type of symbiosis where both organisms benefit
the Krebs cycle occurs here
the matrix of the mitochondria
this step converts water and sunlight into ATP
Light Dependent
This step breaks down pyruvate into carbon dioxide and NADH
Krebs Cycle
quaternary consumer
Type of symbiosis where one organism lives in or on another and steals its nutrients
the light independent step occurs here
the stroma of the chloroplast