Authors Purpose
Make Inferences
Parts of Books
Skiing is fun, but snowboarding is the best winter sport. It may cost more than some sports, but its worth it. You get speed and excitement. You can snowboard even if you can't ski! Go snowboarding. You won't regret it! What is the Author's Purpose?
to persuade the reader to try snowboarding
With clippers in one hand and scissors in the other, Chris was ready to begin the task. He put a cape over the small child. What can you infer?
What is found on the title page of a book?
Title, author, illustrator
What did you mean to show in your picture?
the word picture comes from the latin word pictus, which means paint.
Make temple plural.
temples add s
Where I used to live, the train ran by my house twice a day. At five in the morning and five at night, a horrid blast would knock books off the shelves and rattle the windows. It always woke me up, no matter how tired I was. I think that's why I'm an early riser today. What the Author's Purpose?
to entertain
Wow!” said Kim. “That was a pretty one!” All the people were looking at the dark sky. “There goes another one!” said Mom. “It lights up the sky!” When the show was over, the tired children went home and went to bed. What can you infer?
watching fireworks
What is on the Table of Contents page?
Chapters, pages, titles
What is the origin of sandwich?
[C18: named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718--92), who ate sandwiches rather than leave the gambling table for meals]
drop the y add ies dynasties
Calligraphy is a form of handwriting. A special pen must be used. Letters are formed using up and down strokes. Old documents are usually written in this form. Diplomas, certificates, and other awards are written in calligraphy. It is an interesting form of handwriting. What's the Authors Purpose?
to inform on calligraphy
I hear a loud “thwack” as the ball flies high in the air. The crowd roars with excitement and I run fast before the ball is brought back. What can you infer?
playing baseball
What is the glossary used for?
mini dictionary; used to find meanings of words in a textbook
What is the origin of comfortable?
Origin: 1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French confortable. See comfort, -able
families drop the y add ies
The bear and his family went for a walk in the woods. It was a beautiful day and they paused along the way to smell the flowers and marvel at the wonderful day. They soon came to a cottage in the woods and stepped inside to see if anyone was home. What's the Authors Purpose?
I hear screaming. My stomach feels funny. Can you see my hair blowing? I’m feeling excited. There is a thick metal bar across my lap. What can you infer?
on rollercoaster
What is the index used for?
to look up pages of a particular topic
What is the origin of sofa?
sofa 1625, "raised section of a floor, covered with carpets and cushions," from Turk. sofa, from Ar. suffah "bench." Meaning "long stuffed seat for reclining" is recorded from 1717.
I saw the painting at the gallery. Identify the nouns in the sentence. Make all the nouns plural.
gallery galleries paintings
The giant panda is a bearlike animal that has thick white fur with black markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. The giant panda feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China. It also eats bulbs, roots, eggs, and some small mammals. The cubs are born in late winter. The giant panda is an endangered species and is protected by the Chinese government. What's the Author Purpose?
to inform
T.J. went to look in the cage. There was his new pet, Hopper. The carrot T.J. had put in the cage was gone! “I guess hopper was hungry,” he said! What can you infer?
he has an pet rabbit
What is does the publishing company do?
they print the books
What is the origin of turtle?
Origin: 1625–35; alteration (influenced by turtle2) of French tortue < Medieval Latin tortūca tortoise
China is a country that has a rich heritage. Make all nouns plural in the sentence.
country countries heritage heritages