Magna Carta
Mayflower Compact
Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation

The Magna Carta was signed by these two groups/individuals.

Who is King John of England and a group of rebel barons?


The Mayflower Compact was signed by this group of people.

Who are the Pilgrims?


This was the author of "Common Sense".

Who is Thomas Paine?


This was the purpose of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

What is to state that the American colonies are now a union of free and independent states/

True or False? This was the first governing document of the United States.


True or False? The Magna Carta limited the power of the English monarchy.



Name the intended destination for the Mayflower, and where the ship actually landed as well.

Northern Virginia, Plymouth in modern day Massachusetts. 

The number of copies printed and distributed among the 13 colonies.

What is 500,000?

These are the two groups that Jefferson argues should "dissolve the political bonds" between them.

Who are the American colonists and England?


This was the number of branches of the federal government that existed under the Articles.

What is one?


True or False? This was the first document that proposed the idea that written law had its own authority, rather than sole authority belonging to an absolute monarch.



This is the reason that the Pilgrims left England

The Pilgrims abandoned their homes in England because of religious persecution by the Anglican Church


This is why it is titled "Common Sense".

What is because the author believed it was "common sense" to become independent and there was no logical argument in favor of remaining a part of the British Empire?


When a government fails to protect the rights of its citizens, Jefferson says the people have every right to do this.

What is petition for change, and then if no change is made... abolish that government and replace it?


This is where most of the power and authority lied under the Articles.

What is the states?


This established the term "____ of the ____" which is also used to describe the U.S. Constitution today

What is "Law of the Land?"


What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

To establish laws for their new colony in the New World


This is how "Common Sense" impacted the American colonists.

What is it persuaded thousands of Americans in all of the colonies that they should be independent from the British?


This is the Enlightenment theory that Jefferson references to when writing, "the consent of the governed".

What is the Social Contract Theory?


This was the rebellion that occurred as a result of some of the failures of the government while under the Articles of Confederation.

What is Shays Rebellion?


These are the four influences that the Magna Carta had on the authors of the U.S. Constitution

Fundamental rights, due process, jury trial, limited monarchy/government


How did the Mayflower Compact influence the U.S. Constitution?

It was the first document signed in the New World that proposed the idea of a government ran by the people and for the people.


These were the three main points in favor of American independence in "Common Sense".

What are to establish trade relationships with other European states, to avoid getting dragged into conflicts between European states, and the distance between England and America?


These are some of the grievances that Jefferson listed in the Declaration of Independence that were written into law in the U.S. Constitution.

What are the Quartering Act, the lack of due process and a jury trial, and taxing without consent?


This is how the Articles of Confederation influenced the U.S. Constitution.

It showed the authors of the Constitution what was not working in the United States. It showed them the need for a strong federal government that had the ability to enforce laws and create and collect taxes.