4th amendment
5th amendment
6th amendment
Evidence in court
How can this data be stored?

Protects people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.

What does the 4th amendment do?


The formal device by which a person can be accused of a serious crime

What is a grand jury?


Protects the rights of people accused of crimes

What is the 6th amendment?

Because of the Constitution’s view of “innocent until proven guilty” and the rights of the accused, it is crucial that those in law enforcement understand the types of evidence, how it is perceived in court, how to testify to its significance

What is the importance of proper evidence and handling?


1999 Integrated Automated Finger Print Identification System

What does IAFIS stand for?


Houses, persons, papers, and your stuff (also known as effects)

What does the 4th amendment protects?


You have the right to remain silent and have an attorney

What are the miranda rights?


speedy and public trial, impartial jury, notice of accusation, confrontation with witnesses, compulsory process for obtaining witnesses, assistance of counsel

What are the rights protected by the 6th amendment?


The Frye Standard and Dauber Ruling

What are the 2 ways of finding admissible evidence?


1998 Combine DNA Index System

What does CODIS stand for?


A certain level of suspicion of criminal activity

What is probable cause?


You cannot be tried for the same crime twice

What is double jeopardy?


The accused has the right to a quick and public trial

What is a speedy and public trial?


1923, expert opinion based on a scientific technique is only admissible if the technique is generally accepted as reliable in the relevant scientific community

What is the Frye Standard?


National Integrated Ballistics Information Network 

What does NIBIN stand for?


Entering homes to look for evidence/ restraining someone or there property 

What is a search or seizure?


If the trial ended in a mistrial

When does Double Jeopardy not apply?


The accused has the right to an impartial jury from the state and district where the crime took place

What is the impartial jury?

1993, state that ”general acceptance” doesn’t have to be present but appointed the judge as “gate keeper” to decide whether evidence is admissible

What is the Dauber Ruling?


International forensic automotive Paint Data Query

What does PDQ stand for?


Consent is given

In an Emergency

After arrest

Plain view

Reasonable suspicion 


When is a search warrant not needed?


Federal Court denying King his civil rights of due process

What is the Rodney King case?


The accused has the right to legal representation which may be provided by the state

What is the assistance of counsel?


An individual determined by the court to possess a particular skill or knowledge in a trade or profession that is not expected of the average layperson that will aid the court in determining the truth

What is an expert testimony?


Shoeprint Image Capture and Retrieval

What does SICAR stand for?