The number of books in the Old Testament.
What is 46.
What is a covenant.
The history or story of God’s saving work with human beings since Creation.
What is salvation history.
The portion of the Bible that deals with the Jewish people before Jesus.
What is the Old Testament.
It is important to consider this, when reading the Bible. For example is it more like a phone book or a story?
What is the genre.
The number of books in the New Testament.
What is 27.
A collection of sacred books that make up God's love letter to human beings.
What is the Bible or Sacred Scripture.
The center or high-point of salvation history
Who is Jesus Christ.
The portion of the Bible that is about Jesus and the early Church.
What is the New Testament.
A category of something that tells you approximately about the content.
What is a genre.
The total number of books in the Bible
What is 73.
This is another word for covenant. The Bible is divided the old and new.
What is a testament.
The way in which God's covenants grew to include more people.
What is from a couple, to a family, to a tribe, to a nation, to a kingdom, and finally to the world.
Books that contain the stories or history of the Jewish people, not included in the Torah.
The 4 categories or genres of books in the Old Testament.
What are Law, Wisdom, Prophetic, Historical.
The number of Covenants God made with His people.
What is 7.
Two examples in society of covenants.
What are marriage and adoption.
The author of the Bible.
Who is God. He is the primary author. The writers were also true authors, although secondary.
The category of Biblical books that is made up of prayer books, fables and little sayings.
Who compiled the Bible and when.
What is the Church in the 4th century. The Catholic Church in the 4th century decided which books belonged in the OT and which letters and Gospels to include in the NT. This was part of Sacred Tradition because it was orally passed.
The first 5 books of the Bible known as the Torah, the Law, Pentateuch.
What are the books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
The 4 elements of every covenant.
What is a mountain, a mediator, a sacrifice and an organization.
The way in which God's covenants grew to include more people.
What is from a couple, to a family, to a tribe, to a nation, to a kingdom, and finally to the world.
This category or genre of Biblical books are written by the prophets, not to tell the future, but be God's mouthpiece during Jewish exile and times of trouble.
What are the prophetic books.
This is the ability to understand what God is saying to us in the Bible. The Church interprets the meaning of the Bible when there is disagreement.
What is interpretation.