Triangles & Trapezoids
Other Polygons
Problem Solving
Mystery Bag!

What is the area and perimeter of a rectangle that is 5 inches long and 9 inches tall?

A = 45 inches2

P = 28 inches


Find the area of the following triangle:

30 sq. un.


What is the perimeter of a pentagon with equal sides of 5 feet?

25 feet


If you walk around the playground, you are walking around its... perimeter or area?




What is the area AND perimeter of this parallelogram?

A = 28 sq. un.

P = 24 un.


Find the area AND perimeter of the following triangle:

A = 24 sq. un.

P = 26 un.


Random Trivia: In which state can you experience the highest point in the continental United States and the lowest?

a. Maine

b. Colorado 

c. California

California (Highest - Mt. Whitney, Lowest - Death Valley)


A rectangle has a total perimeter of 32 cm. The rectangle is 10 cm long. What is the height of the rectangle?

6 cm



What is the value of a?

a = 30


A square has a total perimeter of 28 inches. What is the area of the square?

49 sq. inches


Find the area AND perimeter of the following trapezoid: 

A = 28 sq. un.

P = 26 un.


Find the area of the following pentagon: 

A = 675 sq. un.


Sherry wants to know how many 1 foot by 1 foot tiles she needs to cover her bathroom floor. Should she find the area or perimeter of her bathroom? 



Mrs. Tucker's math students completed 50 homework problems in 5 days. They completed the same number of homework problems each day. What is their unit rate?

10 homework problems per day


Random Trivia: What is the technical name for the hashtag symbol (#)?

a. snarfblat

b. octothorpe

c. diademis

b. octothorpe


Find the area AND perimeter of the following trapezoid:

A = 140 cm. sq.

P = 55 cm.


The distance from the center of this stop sign to the outer edge is 10 inches. Each edge of the sign is 8 inches. What is the sign's area?

A = 320 sq. in.


James builds a room in his house that is 10 feet wide and 12 feet long. He adds on another room that is 10 feet wide and 9 feet long. The two rooms share a wall. What is the total perimeter for the two rooms put together?

62 feet


Mrs. Summers drives at a constant rate of 55 miles per hour for 2 hours. How far does she drive?

110 miles


Billy says the area of this parallelogram is 105 square cm. Explain why he is either correct or incorrect. 

Incorrect, he used the side length rather than the height. The correct are would be 15x5= 75 square cm.


The area of a given triangle is 40 sq. in. The height of the triangle is 20 in. What is the length of the base? 

b = 4 inches


Find the area and perimeter of this complex shape. 

P = 74 cm.

A = 132 + 80 = 212 cm. sq. 


Lily knows that the base of a triangle is 6 inches. The other two sides are 7 inches long. Lily calculates the area to be (6x7)/2 = 21 inches squared. Is she correct? Why or why not? 

Hint: Draw a picture to represent her triangle.

She is incorrect. Lily needs to use the height of the triangle, instead of the side length, to find the area. 


Random Trivia: Apple pie did not originate in America! Where did it originate? 

a. France

b. Turkey

c. England

c. England