Biomes terms
Aquatic Ecosystems
The close relationship that exists when 2 or more species live together.
What is symbiosis?
The relationships among living organisms and the interaction the organisms have with their environment and other organisms around them.
What is ecology?
The three factors that describe population.
What is dispersion, density, and growth rate?
A treeless biome with a layer of permanently frozen soil below the surface (permafrost). Have some animals and plants, cross North America, Europe, and Siberia.
What is the tundra?
The zone closest to the shore, shallow, so sunlight can reach the bottom. An area of high photosynthesis, frogs, turtles, worms, and fish. The zone that is an open water area, well lit, dominated by plankton (free-floating photosynthetic autotrophs that live in freshwater or marine ecosystems. The zone that is the deepest areas of a large lake, cold and low in oxygen, little light, few species. (3 answers)
What is the littoral zone, the limnetic zone, and the profundal zone?
The three types of close relationships.
What is mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism?
The nonliving factors in an organism's environment.
What is an abiotic factor?
The three categories that dispersion can be divided into, with examples.
What is uniform- black bears, random- deer, and clumped- buffalo.
Composed mostly of broad-leaved, deciduous trees (trees that shed leaves in autumn), Eastern Canada, U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia.
What is the temperate forest?
An ecosystem that is formed where freshwater from a river or sea merges with salt water from an ocean.
What is an estuary?
The definition of mutualism and an example.
What is the relationship between two or more organisms that live closely together and benefit each other. Caterpillar and ant, because ant drinks the honey and caterpillar gets protection.
When more than one organism uses a resource at one time.
What is competition?
Limiting factors that can effect growth rate.
What is density dependent and density independent factors?
Characterized by grasses and scattered trees in climates that receive less precipitation than some tropical areas, Africa, South America, and Australia.
What is a tropical savanna?
A narrow band where the ocean meets land, organisms that live here must be adapted to the constant changes that occur as daily tides and waves alternately submerge and expose the shore.
What is the intertidal zone?
When one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.
What is commensalism?
What is the act of one arganism consuming another organism for food?
Density independent factors are abiotic and are droughts and extreme temperatures. Density dependent factors are biotic and are predation, parasites, and disease. True or false?
What is true?
Warms temperatures and large amounts of rain. Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Many kinds of plants.
What is tropical rain forest?
ZONES OF AN OPEN OCEAN ECOSYSTEM The zone that is shallow enough that sunlight is able to penetrate. As depth increases, light decreases. Has seaweed and plankton, fish and dolphins. (part of the pelagic zone) The zone that has an area along the ocean floor where light can't penetrate. Constant darkness, and cold. (part of the pelagic zone) The area along the ocean floor that consists of sand, silt, and dead organisms. Light can sometimes penetrate the deeper water. The deepest region, water is very cold.
What is the photic zone? What is the aphotic zone? What is the benthic zone? What is the abyssal zone?
A relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed. Give an example.
What is parasitism? Humans and tapeworms.
The definition of a niche, and the difference between a niche and a habitat.
What is the role that an organism plays in its environment. The difference is the habitat is the environment around its home, and what factors come into that, while a niche is the role.
The definition of carrying capacity.
What is the maximum number of individuals in a species that an environment can support for the long term?
Describe grasslands.
What is a biome that has fertile soils and can support a thick cover of grass?
Marshes, swamps, and bogs.
What is the wetlands?