Westward Expansion
The Causes of the Civil War
The Civil War
Political Cartoons & people

What is the difference between a push factor and a pull factor for westward expansion 

A push factor is negative reason to leave and a pull factor is an encouraging reason to leave 


What was the Compromise of 1850

1. CA admitted as a free state

2. Utah and New Mexico could choose 

3. Outlawed the slave trade 


What were the advantages of the North

1. More people 2. More food 3. Factories 4. Railroad access 


What was the 13th amendment 

Abolished slavery EVERYWHERE (except as a punishment of a crime)


Who was Frederick Douglass and why is he important 

Abolitionist who gave powerful speeches against slavery and helped advised President Lincoln during the Civil War. 


What were the PUSH factors for American Settlers

1. Overcrowding in cities 2, Not enough land in the East 3. Too high of prices for land


Who won the election of 1860

Abraham Lincoln 


What was the ONLY advantage of the South 

Better/stronger military 


What did the 14th amendment do?

Give citizenship to everyone born here AND ensure all states had to protect this citizenship 


What is the Main Message of this Cartoon 

1. Manifest Destiny


What were the PULL factors for westward expansion 

1. Gold and Silver 2. Industrialization (need for raw materials) 3. Homestead Act


What was the MAIN issue as the nation expanded west and had to add more states to the Union

If the state was going to be a free state or a slave state because it affected the power in Congress. 


What were the Southern states called that left the Union

The Confederates 


What did the 15th amendment do?

Give ALL men - regardless of their race the right to vote


Who was Harriet Tubman and why is she significant 

Abolitionist - she is significant for the Underground railroad 

What were each of the following: Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Battle of Wounded Knee

Indian Removal Act 1830 passed by Congress to forcefully remove Native Americans. The Trial of Tears was an example of this. The Battle of Wounded Knee was a massacre by the U.S. army for a perceive threat of the Ghost Dance.  


What was important about the Dred Scott Decision?

It legalized slavery in all parts of the U.S. and it made ALL Black people (enslaved or free) not able to gain citizenship


True or False: The Emancipation Proclamation was past at the end of the war



What was the goal of Jim Crow Laws?

To enforce segregation and racial discrimination 


What is the main message of this political cartoon 

Chinese immigration needs to be stopped before they take over the entire economy. 


What was the Chinese Exclusion Act and why was it passed?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed to limit immigration by Chinese into the United States. It was passed due to a fear that Chinese were going to take jobs from whites on the railroads. 


Why was the South against Abraham Lincoln 

He did not want to abolish slavery - BUT he spoke out against it and called it evil on the campaign trial 

What was important about the Emancipation Proclamation 

It freed ONLY those enslaved people in Southern states that were part of the confederate 

What was Plessy v. Ferguson 

A Supreme Court case that legalized segregation and 2. contributed to the end of reconstruction 


What is the main message of the following political cartoon?

The South is ready to use all means necessary to ensure that all newly freed black people are unable to gain full justice.