The Wild West
The Cities
Big Business and Labor
People of the Gilded Age

This massacre marks the end of major hostilities between native forces and the U.S. Army.

What was Wounded Knee?


The Populist Party gained most of its support from these types of hard-working Americans.

Who were Western farmers?


The most devastating urban fire in American history took place in this up and coming Midwestern city.

What is Chicago, IL?


This term refers to when one corporation has absolute control over an entire product or market.

What is a monopoly?


William Jennings Bryan lost the Presidential election to this Republican candidate twice.

Who was William McKinley?


This Congressional act forced Native Americans onto small parcels of land on their reservations, while selling the rest to white settlers.

What was the Dawes Act?


He became a national sensation overnight, claiming the 1894 Democratic presidential nomination and was the figurehead of the Populist movement.

Who was William Jennings Bryan?


This Irish-American woman accidentally got hundreds of people sick in New York City, resulting in the death of several others.

Who was Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon)?

This was a derogatory term given to the wealthy millionaires of the Gilded Age.

Who were the "robber barons"?


This wealthy Scottish-American businessman dominated the steel industry and funded the creation of numerous hospitals, libraries, and schools.

Who was Andrew Carnegie?


American cowboys learned the art of ranching from ranchers from this country.

What is Mexico (the vaqueros)?


The Populist Party originated with this national organization that fought the corruption of the railroad industry.

What was the National Granger Movement?


These are urban dwellings for poor, urban workers. Living in these "homes" were filthy and dangerous.

What is tenement housing?


This form of business management involves "eating-up" similar businesses to control the market. Modern examples of this form of business is Meta (Facebook) and Disney.

What is horizontal integration?


This New York reporter and photographer wrote the scathing expose on urban life during the Gilded Age titled, How the Other Half Lives.

Who was Jacob Riis?


American forces led by General Custer were defeated by native forces at this river in Montana.

What is the Little Bighorn River?


The Populist Party had its first national convention in this midwestern state.

What is Nebraska?


What ethnicity made up many of the textile industries in places like New York City and Boston?

Who were Jewish immigrants?


The Haymarket Riots took place in this city.

What is Chicago, IL?

He was Carnegie's ruthless right-hand man and was responsible for crushing the Homestead Strikes.

Who was Henry Frick?

The Transcontinental Railroad was originally dreamed up by this young civilian engineer from Sacramento, CA.

Who was Theodore Judah?


This nickname were given to those who supported the use of both gold and silver to back the American dollar. This nickname also would accurately describe the Populist Party's position on the issue.

Who were the Silverites?


This term refers to "mixed" communities in the United States during the Gilded Age.

What were "bohemian" communities?


This private security force was brought in by Henry Frick to break the Homestead Strike.

Who were the Pinkertons?


Eugene V. Debs was responsible for creating this radical labor union in 1905.

What is the International Workers of the World (IWW)?