Connotation and Denotation
Main Idea
Correct the Errors
Commas, Semicolon, or Colons
Context Clues

Complete the sentence with the word that best fits the overall meaning and tone. 

French artist Claude Lorrain produced landscapes featuring figures from the Bible and Greek mythology that evoke an _________ feeling of serenity. 

a. immaterial

b. intangible

c. internet

b. intangible


Read the Passage and determine the main idea.

Mongol leader Genghis Khan was one of the world's most formidable conquerors. Born around 1162, Genghis amassed an army of thousands of men and united the nomadic tribes of Mongolia under his rule. Next, he turned his attention to central Asia and China. Using brilliant military tactics—and extreme cruelty—he expanded the Mongol Empire to an area approximately the size of Africa. Kublai Khan, Genghis's grandson, conquered China and was a powerful leader in his own right. Yet unlike his grandfather, Kublai is remembered for governing his acquired territories fairly, rather than dominating them with military might. Instead of exploiting the people of China, Kublai sought to accommodate and embrace Chinese culture. He became the first Mongol to rule over all of China, and he founded the country's Yuan Dynasty. 

a. Genghis Khan used both brilliant and vicious tactics to expand the Mongol Empire. 

b. Genghis Khan ruled with fear and might, while Kublai Khan governed with regard for the people he ruled.

b. Genghis Khan ruled with fear and might, while Kublai Khan governed with regard for the people he ruled.


Correct the one error in the following sentence:

Do you know if Mr. Ballard excepts late homework assignments?

excepts should be spelled accepts


In the blank, decide if the sentence needs a comma, semicolon, or colon.

People living near Italy's Mount Etna, an active volcano, have tried to redirect the flow of lava for hundreds of years___ and they have even used explosives to divert the flow away from towns.




What is the meaning of dilapidated as used in the passage?

In the summer of 1978, a group of geologists stumbled upon a tiny, dilapidated homestead in a remote and otherwise unoccupied corner of Siberia. Upon further investigation, the researchers discovered that the crumbling cabin and overgrown garden were home to a family of five. Karp Lykov, his wife Akulina, and their children had fled to this desolate region in 1936 in order to escape religious persecution.

a.  run-down

b. peculiar

c. ancient

d. abandoned

a. run-down


Complete the sentence with the word that best fits the meaning and tone.

Malik read a __________ assortment of books on his vacation, from autobiographies to graphic novels.

a. unique

b. diverse

b. diverse


The main, or central, idea of the passage is Genghis Khan ruled with fear and might, while Kublai Khan governed with regard for the people he ruled. How does the detail in bold develop the main idea?

Mongol leader Genghis Khan was one of the world's most formidable conquerors. Born around 1162, Genghis amassed an army of thousands of men and united the nomadic tribes of Mongolia under his rule. Next, he turned his attention to central Asia and China. Using brilliant military tactics—and extreme cruelty—he expanded the Mongol Empire to an area approximately the size of Africa. Kublai Khan, Genghis's grandson, conquered China and was a powerful leader in his own right. Yet unlike his grandfather, Kublai is remembered for governing his acquired territories fairly, rather than dominating them with military might. Instead of exploiting the people of China, Kublai sought to accommodate and embrace Chinese culture. He became the first Mongol to rule over all of China, and he founded the country's Yuan Dynasty.

a. It casts doubt on Kublai Khan's leadership abilities.

b. It draws a contrast between the two leaders' style of governance.

b. It draws a contrast between the two leaders' style of governance.


Correct the one error in the sentence below:

If we're going down to the creak today, what shoes should I bring?

creak should be spelled creek


In the blank determine to a comma, semicolon, or colon: 

When you go to Amsterdam, be sure to visit some of the city's most important cultural institutions ____  the Rijksmuseum, the Stedelijk, and the Van Gogh Museum.




What is the meaning of diffident as used in the passage?

 Wanting to help the family, the geologists made numerous gifts of seeds, clothing, utensils, and other goods. This largess was lost on Karp Lykov and his older children, who maintained a deep distrust of all things modern and were very timid around outsiders. His younger son and daughter, Dmitry and Agafia, were not nearly so diffident. They were fascinated and delighted by the technologies—like flashlights and television—that had been invented during their forty years of isolation. Ultimately, however, the Lykovs chose to pass up the comforts of modernity and live out the rest of their natural lives in the Siberian wilderness. 

a. silent

b. shy

c. stingy

d. different

b. shy


Complete the sentence with the word that best fits the meaning and tone.

Bill appreciated the gallery owner's _________ efforts to include artwork from the local community. 

a. deliberate

b. calculating

a. deliberate


What is the Main Idea of the passage?

Historically, men have dominated the field of science, and many women have not received professional credit or public recognition for their work. Rosalind Franklin, for example, was a chemist who did groundbreaking research into the structure of DNA, a type of molecule in cells that helps control their growth, activity, and reproduction. Franklin's X-ray photograph of DNA was shared, without her knowledge, with biologist James Watson. Franklin's work helped Watson and fellow researcher Francis Crick discover the structure of DNA, but she received no credit when they won a Nobel Prize for their model of DNA in 1962. Another scientist denied credit for her work was Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Bell Burnell was a postgraduate student in 1967 when she discovered the first radio pulsars—small, dense rotating stars that emit radio waves. However, the credit was given to her supervisor, Antony Hewish, who received a Nobel Prize in 1974.

a. Jocylen Bell Burnell failed to receive credit for her 1967 discovery of radio pulsars. 

b. Women have often failed to receive the credit they deserve for their scientific work.

b. Women have often failed to receive the credit they deserve for their scientific work.


Correct the one error.

I knew we were expecting alot of snow, but this is crazy!

alot is two words: a lot


Add commas, semicolons, or colons if needed:

Chemoautotrophs are organisms that live on minerals dissolved in water, including nitrates ____ iron ____  and sulfur compounds.




What is the meaning of fortuitous as used in the passage?

While most scientific findings are the result of deliberate and carefully designed experiments, occasionally a major discovery happens in a more fortuitous way. One such example is the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by the Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming. After working as a field doctor during World War I and witnessing how many soldiers died needlessly from bacterial infections, Fleming recognized the exigency of finding a chemical that could fight these afflictions. He began to conduct experiments by growing bacteria in Petri dishes and treating them with various chemicals. Unfortunately, none of the chemicals he tested proved effective at stopping the bacteria's growth.

a. by chance

b. promising

c. quick

d. common

a. by chance


Complete the sentence with the word that best fits the meaning and tone. 

Trucks started to ___________ concrete and steel from the original east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and transport it to another site. 

a. eradicate

b. remove

b. remove


The main, or central, idea of the passage is Women have often failed to receive the credit they deserve for their scientific work. How does the detail in bold develop the main idea?

Historically, men have dominated the field of science, and many women have not received professional credit or public recognition for their work. Rosalind Franklin, for example, was a chemist who did groundbreaking research into the structure of DNA, a type of molecule in cells that helps control their growth, activity, and reproduction. Franklin's X-ray photograph of DNA was shared, without her knowledge, with biologist James Watson. Franklin's work helped Watson and fellow researcher Francis Crick discover the structure of DNA, but she received no credit when they won a Nobel Prize for their model of DNA in 1962. Another scientist denied credit for her work was Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Bell Burnell was a postgraduate student in 1967 when she discovered the first radio pulsars—small, dense rotating stars that emit radio waves. However, the credit was given to her supervisor, Antony Hewish, who received a Nobel Prize in 1974.

a. It offers an explanation of why female scientists do not receive credit for their work. 

b. It describes an incident when a female scientist did not receive credit for her work.

b. It describes an incident when a female scientist did not receive credit for her work.


Correct the one error:

You know its spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

its should have an apostrophe: it's


Add a comma or semicolon.

Every summer, Mrs. Middleton takes a canoe trip down the Centerville River __ she uses a two-person whitewater canoe to navigate the Class IV rapids.  




What is the meaning of exigency as used in the passage?

While most scientific findings are the result of deliberate and carefully designed experiments, occasionally a major discovery happens in a more fortuitous way. One such example is the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by the Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming. After working as a field doctor during World War I and witnessing how many soldiers died needlessly from bacterial infections, Fleming recognized the exigency of finding a chemical that could fight these afflictions. He began to conduct experiments by growing bacteria in Petri dishes and treating them with various chemicals. Unfortunately, none of the chemicals he tested proved effective at stopping the bacteria's growth.

a. military obligation

b. popular demand

c. near impossibility

d. pressing need

d. pressing need


Complete the sentence with the word that best fits the meaning and tone. 

Mr. Mclure resigned amidst __________ of money laundering and tax evasion, and he was called before a grand jury shortly thereafter. 

a. allegations

b. declarations

a. allegations 


The main, or central, idea of the passage is Thanks to conservation efforts, Florida manatee populations have increased. How does the detail in bold develop the main idea?

The Florida manatee, a subspecies of the West Indian manatee, is a large ocean mammal found in Florida's rivers and coastal areas. Unfortunately, the state's population of manatees has dwindled significantly over the years. Although the manatee has no natural predators, humans have contributed to many manatee deaths, mainly through boat collisions. The loss of warm-water habitats has also hastened the manatee's decline. Aerial surveys performed in the early 1990s found an estimated 1,267 manatees in Florida. Because of conservation efforts by several organizations, however, the number of manatees has rebounded recently. The creation of manatee protection zones—areas that boaters must avoid or drive through more slowly—has been particularly effective. As a result of these efforts, more than 6,000 manatees are found in Florida today.

a. It anticipates a potential flow in conservation strategy. 

b. It highlights a successful conservation strategy.

b. It highlights a successful conservation strategy.


Correct the one error:

We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our new principle, Dr. Murray!

principle should be spelled principal


Add a comma or semicolon.

In 2008, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt won both the 100- and 200-meter races __ moreover, he became the first man in Olympic history to hold the world record for both events.




What is the meaning of transmuting as used in the passage?

Trips to the Bahamas and the Solomon Islands eventually revealed over 180 fish species capable of transmuting the blue light of the ocean into brilliant red, green, and orange hues.

a. restoring

b. converting

c. evolving

d. generating

b. converting