Text Features
Author's Claim
Mystery Box

Who is telling or narrating the story 

Point of View


When a word or phrase a strip of color over the text.



Dancing has many health benefits. Whether you dance for fun or take a class to learn a specific style, you will have the chance to be active and stay fit. Your heart, lungs, muscles, bones, and brain are all improved through the regular exercise dancing provides. Dancers enjoy better coordination, balance, and flexibility as they practice the moves. Dancing has positive effects on self-esteem by building confidence. It develops social skills as well by connecting people around a common interest. Memory is also sharpened through memorizing dance routines. 

What is the author’s claim? 

a. Dancing is good for memory. 

b. Dancing builds confidence. 

c. Dancing improves brain health. 

d. Dancing has many health benefits.

d. Dancing has many health benefits.


Which word in the sentence below shows first-person point of view?

Oh no! My dog is going to eat my cupcake!!!



The reason why an author writes a text

Author's Purpose


Words under a picture that tell you about the picture



It is an American tradition to light fireworks in celebration of holidays and other special occasions. However, the first fireworks date back to ancient China. The Chinese lit bamboo, and the air inside the hollow stalks would create a loud explosion. The idea then went a step further with the addition of gunpowder placed inside the stalk. Metal shavings were added to create a sparkle effect. The invention made its way to Europe and later to the Americas. What is the author’s claim?

a. American light fireworks to celebrate holidays. 

b. Gunpowder creates the loud explosions. 

c. Metal shavings are added to fireworks. 

d. Fireworks were invented in ancient China.

d. Fireworks were invented in ancient China.


Context Clues

The delightful aroma of food cooking in the kitchen made my mouth water.
Does aroma mean smell, color, or wealth?



The author's opinion about a topic 

Author's Claim


Features that help you identify parts of a picture or diagram



Just planning a vacation makes people happier. “The mere idea of getting away can bring a sense of immediate happiness,” says Dr. Carla Marie Manly. She is a psychologist and author of Joy From Fear. The anticipation of having time off to relax, have fun, spend time with friends or family, and explore a new place is enough to boost people’s moods. Having something to look forward to creates a hopeful feeling. This is good for mental health and general well-being. This effect can be felt up to eight weeks before actually going on the vacation. 

How does a quote from a psychologist add to the author’s claim? 

a. The quote advertises the psychologist’s book. 

b. The quote gives more information about vacation planning. 

c. The quote from a professional makes the claim seem true. 

d. The quote states why taking a vacation is important.

c. The quote from a professional makes the claim seem true.


Joey lost his science book. He knew he would be in big trouble if he was unable to study for the final. What should he do? He thought for a few worried moments, and then decided to retrace his steps. He remembered putting the book in his backpack that morning. He had taken it out at school when his friend Kim asked to look something up. Now he remembered - Kim still had his book! 

The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

Problem and Solution


How the information in a text is organized for the reader  

Text Structure 


Feature that occurs on either the side or in a box to give you more information.



Birds are related to dinosaurs. They share several similarities to dinosaurs of the past. Scientists have discovered that tissues used to make scales in reptiles are similar to those that make feathers in birds. Birds also have scales on their feet, and dinosaur remains found in China had what looked like feathers. Bird eggs and dinosaur eggs share a common hard outer shell. They are made of the same basic elements such as carbon and calcium. Talons found on both birds and dinosaurs are also similar in design. 

What evidence does the author provide to support the claim that birds are related to dinosaurs? 

a. The author lists qualities of birds. 

b. The author lists qualities of dinosaurs. 

c. The author states how dinosaur remains have been found. 

d. The author compares birds and dinosaurs.

d. The author compares birds and dinosaurs.


Every spring, shortly after the tulips bloom, farmers in Holland go through the tulip fields and cut the blooms off the tulips. This seems strange, because it leaves a field full of green stems. However, it makes the colorful tulip blooms grow back even bigger and stronger later that spring. 

The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

Cause and Effect


Elements of a text used to make the text more clear and easier to understand  

Text Features


Feature that lists important dates in chronological order.



Creating coins for the economy is a long process. Coins are made with metals, such as copper, nickel, and zinc. Blank sheets of metal are run through a machine that cuts out the shape of the coins. The blank coins are then washed and dried. Next, a mill creates the raised rim around each coin before the coin heads to the press to get imprinted. Each coin is then professionally inspected before it is bagged, counted, and sent out to banks. It is estimated that 13 billion pennies are produced each year! 

What is the author’s main claim? 

a. Coins have to be professionally inspected. 

b. There is a long process for creating coins. 

c. Coins are made from different metals. 

d. Lots of coins are made each year for our economy.

b. There is a long process for creating coins.


Which of the following is NOT a feature that can be found in nonfiction text? 

a) Headings that designate sections of text 

b) Bullets that indicate a list 

c) Factual information about a topic 

d) Conversations between characters

d) Conversations between characters