Context Clues
Text Structure

When it came to jumping rope, Jenny excelled; she was very talented at sports.

What does EXCELLED mean?

She did really well (teacher discretion)


It is snowing. Your friend Justina is coming to sleep over. She texts you that she's on her way but will be late. 

What is the best inference you could make about why Justina will be late?

The weather made the roads slippery (teacher discretion)


What is theme?

The message/lesson of the story


In a text with a compare and contrast text structure, the author __________________

Explains how things are similar and different


The teacher's face, like a brightly glowing summer day, signaled her feelings of contentment.

What does CONTENTMENT mean?

Happiness (teacher discretion)


Your mother is wearing a rain coat. When she comes inside, she puts down an umbrella. 

The best inference you could make about the weather is that __________.

It's raining


Theme or Main Idea?

Friendship helps people get through hard times.



In a text with problem and solution text structure, the author ____________.

Describes a problem/issue and how it is fixed/solved


Brady tried to QUELL the rumors about his illness, but they continued.

What is the meaning of quell?

Stop (teacher discretion)


Terrence is camping alone. It is dry and windy out. He falls asleep in his sleeping bag near the blazing campfire. 

What is the best inference you could make about what could happen next due to the weather? 

The fire could spread.


Theme or Main Idea?

A woman risks her life to spy for the Union during the Civil War.

Main Idea


What text structure is this?

Many students in the US say that they've been bullied at school. Natalie Hampton is a high school student who was bullied a lot in middle school. She often had no one to sit with at lunch. So she created a phone app called "Sit With Us." This app lets students sign up and post when there are free seats at their lunch tables. These students have promised to be kind to those who come sit with them. Hampton hopes her app will help students find people to sit with without fear of being bullied.

Problem and solution


Cherry pie made Leon ecstatic; on the other hand, blueberry cake made him feel sad.

In this sentence, 'ecstatic' means:

Very happy (teacher discretion)

James is standing near the corner when a bus roars by. James yelps and runs after it, waving his arms frantically. 

The best inference you can make is that James ________.

Missed the bus


Theme or Main Idea?

A toad and a lizard learn to get along while on a journey through the wilderness.

Main Idea


What text structure is this?

Robots that look like humans are called androids. But not all robots are androids. The industrial robots used in manufacturing and production look like machines and not at all like human beings. So what does an android have in common with an industrial robot? They both have computers. And they both have sensors to gather information and ways to interact with their environments, too.

Compare and contrast


Kelly's grandmother was so FEEBLE she couldn't walk well or get out of bed much. 

What does feeble mean?

Weak (teacher discretion)


A girl tells you her cat's name is Grumpy Gus. You might infer that the cat _________.

Is normally in a bad mood (teacher discretion)


As Tai strummed the guitar, Charlesa looked at her with pride. For so long, Tai's fingers had clumsily tripped over the strings, but now she played the song with ease. Getting to this point hadn't been easy for Charlesa, either. She sighed, trying to bury the memories of all the screaming tantrums Tai had thrown. Once, she nearly threw her guitar against a wall. But now when Tai smiled, and the tune of "Sweet Home Alabama" floated out of the instrument, Charlesa smiled, too. It had been worth it.

What's the theme?

Hard work pays off (teacher discretion)


What is this text structure?

Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth is. It’s much colder. Mars is 142 million miles from the Sun, while Earth is 93 million miles away. Even though Mars is smaller and colder than Earth, the two planets are similar. Both have seasons, like winter and summer.

Compare and contrast