Monkey's Paw
A Tell-Tale Heart
What is the Horror Genre?
Scary Tales
Monkey's Paw Movie

When does foreshadowing occur?

Foreshadowing occurs when the writer provides hints that suggest future events in the story.


What is first-person point-of-view?

The narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronouns I and me.


To define a genre, examine the structure of a work of literature, analyze an author's technique, and categorize works of literature. 

What is the purpose of literary criticism?


What is the author's viewpoint on telling scary stories to children?

It is necessary because it teaches children to be cautious and proactive.


What do low and high-angle shots do?

Low-angle shots create distance and height and make things look menacing.  High-angle shots show a character and their surroundings and make things look exposed.


The same message that can be found in literature of different cultures and time periods.

What is Universal Theme?


What is third-person point-of-view?

The narrator is an outside observer.


What are the two types of horror, according to the author of the text?

Natural and unnatural.


Types of style.

What are formal, conversational, sophisticated, and humorous?


What is the purpose of close-up shots?

To convey a character's thoughts and emotions.


Appears in dialogue, descriptions of events, and imagery.

Where might foreshadowing appear?


Why might a narrator be unreliable?

They are purposefully lying, are mentally unstable, or too unsophisticated to understand the events. 


Writing that examines, analyzes, and interprets a piece of literature or general aspect of literature.

What is literary criticism?


The length of sentences and use of formal and informal grammar.

What is syntax?


What can lighting, camera filters, and music do?

Lighting creates mood, camera filters change the appearance of images, and music can foreshadow and signal tense or dramatic events.


A power that is thought to determine the course of events.

What is fate?


How do you determine whether a narrator is reliable?

Consider their actions, attitudes, and statements.


The reason the author is writing to inform or persuade other readers to view a text in a certain way.

What is author's purpose?


What are figurative language, word choice, imagery, and syntax?

Elements of Style


What does a point-of-view show?

It shows what the character sees from their point-of-view.


1. Who told Mr. White to wish for two hundred pounds?

2. Where did Herbert White work?

1. Herbert told Mr. White to make the wish.

2. Herbert worked at Maw and Meggins.

What techniques can be used to create suspense?

Describing a character's anxiety or fear, vivd words describing dramatic sights, sounds or feelings, and repeating words or actions.


What does it mean to examine the structure of a work of literature?

Analyze the organization of a piece of literature. This can also reveal foreshadowing.



What is the style of the essay?


What were the differences between the story and the film?

Mr. and Mrs. White were not old, Mrs. White dies in the end, and Mrs. White opens the door to let her deceased son inside.