This event caused farmers and ranchers to lose their crops and livestock, buried homes, and sent tons of dirt into the air.
Dust Bowl
In what year did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor and bring the United States into the war?
During WW2 1,816 soldiers from the New Mexico National Guard were captured by the Japanese and forced to go on this....only 829 survived.
The Bataan Death March
Which Air Force Base is located in Alamogordo?
Holloman Air Force Base
This Native American activist fought for his right to vote and was instrumental in the Native American Voting Rights ruling in 1948.
Miguel Trujillo
This event brought New Mexico and America into WW2.
Pearl Harbor
What branch of the military did the Code talkers serve in?
Where was the first atomic bomb detonated?
Where did the research for the Manhattan Project mostly take place?
Los Alamos
This African American lady became the first New Mexican to graduate from what is now New Mexico State University.
Clara Belle Williams
During the early 1900s, artists gathered in this NM city to paint and photograph the natural surroundings.
How many Navajo Code talkers were there?
possible answers: 10, 100, 200, 300, 500
Name one of the two cities bombed with atomic weapons during WW2.
Hiroshima or Nagasaki
What was one of the names of the first atomic bombs created? (there were two)
Fat Man and Little Boy
This is the president who decided to use the atomic weapons on Japan.
According to multiple sources, this is the most photographed annual event in the world.
The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
What was the name of the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan?
The Enola Gay
When the first atomic bomb was detonated it was so hot it created a glass scientists called what?
This was the lead scientist for the Manhattan project.
J. Robert Oppenheimer
This important event will occur every Wednesday at 12:00 for the rest of this semester.
Social Studies Live lesson
What country did the Navajo Code Talkers defeat?
Name one of the two New Mexico towns where Japanese Internment Camps were created during World War II?
Santa Fe or Lordsburg
What was the main reason New Mexico was chosen as the site of the Manhattan project?
It was remote and unpopulated
What person became New Mexico's most famous landscape artist?
Georgia O'Keeffe