Rhetorical Appeals
Denotate vs Connotate
Vocabulary 2

What is a Rhetorical Question?

a question asked for effect not for an answer, often used to make a point or provoke thought.


 What are the three main rhetorical appeals?

Ethos, Logos, Pathos


True or False: Connotation is the literal meaning or primary meaning of a word?

*Every team can receive point for correct answer.

False, Denotation is the literal meaning or primary meaning of a word.


Define argument.

 a reason or set of reasons given to persuade others that an action or idea is right or wrong; a discussion involving differing points of view.


Define Parallelism.

*Every team that answers correctly can get points.

a literary device that uses a pair or more grammatical structures for related words, phrases, or clauses.


Define Menial

referring to work that is considered lowly or of little importance, often involving routine tasks or labor.


Define Ethos, and provide an example.

*Every team that answers can get points.

Credibility and trust, examples will vary.


Give a Denotation of the purpose of School.

Give a Connotation of the purpose of School.

*Double points for a correct 1st answer.

Answers will vary. 

Write the order of an argument.

Claim, evidence, reasoning, rebuttal (counter claim), conclude


Provide an example of parallel structure in a sentence.

Answers will vary.


What is oppression?

prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control over individuals or groups, often resulting in a loss of freedom and rights.


What is pathos and how is it used in persuasive writing?

2 part question. 

Using feelings to persuade, answers will vary.


Create a claim on why Mrs. Holson is the best World Literature teacher. Choose 1 rhetorical appeal that will be used to support your claim.

*Every team can obtain points.

Mrs. Holson will decide.


Persuasive means...

Give 2 synonyms for

having the power to convince someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argument. 

convince, compelling, influential


True or False: The following sentence is parallel: "I came, I saw, I will conquer conquered." 

If it is False, correct the error(s).


"I came, I saw, I conquered."


What is a hireling?

 individuals who work purely for material reward, often lacking loyalty or commitment to the cause or task they are performing.


 Explain logos and its importance in arguments.

Logic and Facts. Answers will vary.


What is the author's purpose of "the Letter to Lincoln" that was previously read in class this week?

To convince and inform that black soldiers were underpaid and to get more pay for the black soldiers.


Define Comprehensive and give 2 synonyms.

 covering completely; inclusive of all or nearly all elements or aspects. 

inclusivity, complete, extensive


Purpose of parallelism.

Teachers will determine the best answer.


Define and give 2 synonyms for Flaunt.

 to display something ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration. 

show off, parade, exhibit, draw attention to 


How can an author effectively combine ethos, pathos, and logos in their writing? (What sources will an author use to combine the 3 appeals.)


Teachers will determine the best answer.


Say you're looking to buy a house. You go on a tour with your family but are unimpressed by how old it is. Your parent says it's “vintage” but you say it's “decrepit.”

Explain the connotation. 

*Bonus if for any team that can define decrepit. No electronic devices.

The connotation is the different views on the house (positive and negative views). The parent likes the vintage which is their perspective but you say it's decrepit: elderly, worn out, or ruined.


When is Mrs. Holson's Birthday?

*First to answer correctly gets the points

St. Patrick's Day.

March 17


Let the dusky forms rise up. Let the rich mold around. Let the strong bear arms.

Write the use of the parallel structure from the sentences above.

Let the dusky

Let the rich

Let the strong