Important Details
Text Evidence
Author's Craft

If I were answering the question: "Is Kayla a good student?", which of the following would be an important detail: 

A. Kayla is 13 years old. 

B. Kayla goes to a Catholic school. 

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.


Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. 

What can Sally infer?

Her mother is not home.


Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing, but they ended up losing. Bob was so upset. 

Based on the text, WHY was Bob upset?

His favorite team ended up losing.


A defining quality of a character that an author demonstrates through the character's appearance, personality, actions, words, etc.

What is Character Attribute/Trait?


I can tell the boy is sad because the text says he was crying last night.

Standard 6.1


If I were answering the question: "Do you think Marissa will go to college?", which is an important detail?

A. Marissa has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one.

B. Marissa has 4 brothers and 1 sister. 

C. Marissa loves animals a lot, and she has 3 dogs.

A. Marissa has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one. 


The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her, she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day. From this I can guess that the new girl is probably_____.

Shy, scared, or embarrassed


The girl walked down the street with her head hanging down because she had just lost her first soccer game. 

What detail from the text tells you how the girl was feeling?

Her head was hanging down.


Not only the story's time and place, but also the social environment that characters exist in. 

What is Setting?


A destroyed bird nest appears repeatedly throughout a story and reinforces the theme that a good home is necessary for life 

Standard 6.5


If I were answering the question: "Why does Mark want to visit Mexico?", which is an important detail

A. Mark is a sophomore in high school. 

B. Mark studied Mexico in school last month. 

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.


Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. 

Where do you think she is?

An aquarium 


John was a NASCAR driver and he had just won his first race. He climbed out of the window of his car and threw his fist up into the air. John was so overjoyed he began to grin from ear to ear. He would never forget the moment he won his very first race. 

What detail from the text tells you how John feels?

He pumped his fist and grinned widely. 

The text also states he would never forget this moment.


These force the characters to change in some way and, at times, draw out their less-likeable sides

What are Pressures?


I can tell Mrs. Jones is a tough woman because she defends herself from the person trying to steal her purse.

Standard 6.1


If I were answering the question: "Why does the author not like war?", which is an important detail?

A. The author shares that he enjoys running. 

B. The author shares that he had a brother who went to war and was killed. 

C. The author shares that he wanted to join the military when he was young.

B. The author shares that he had a brother who went to war and was killed.


"William, don't forget your towel!" Mom shouted as she applied sunblock on the baby. William threw the folding chairs in the back of the minivan and shouted through the garage door, "OK Mom!" He then ran up and grabbed his towel. 

Where are William and his mom going?

The beach or the pool


Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground and began to frown. 

What detail from the text tells you how she feels?

She began to frown.


In a literary work, any recurring element or pattern

What is Motif?


A character moves cities and has to adapt to a new school. At school, new friends pressure him to act in a mean way to others.

Standard 6.3


If I were answering the question: "How should a new student act on the first day of school at Burton?", which is an important detail? 

A. Burton is in Glendale, Arizona. 

B. Kids at Burton appreciate a person who is kind and friendly. 

C. You should have all of your information (phone number, address, etc.) ready when you come to register at Burton.

B. Kids at Burton appreciate a person who is kind and friendly.

Jane didn't come to school on Thursday or Friday. When she finally showed up, she was wearing black. I didn't get a chance to talk to her, but my friends she was less talkative than normal. 

Based on these character traits, what can we infer about the recent events of Jane's life?

Someone she loves passed away.


My hands felt shaky and I took a deep breath. I knew I had to give a speech in front of the whole school. 

What detail from the text tells you how I feel?

Shaky hands


The authors use of objects, actions, words, settings, etc. to represent an idea.

Anything that represents something other than its literal meaning

What is Symbolism?


A certain symbol reinforces the theme within a story

Standard 6.5