Rise of Civilization
Egypt and Israel
India & China

A vocabulary term used to describe the type of religion of the Jewish people (different from Egyptians and Mesopotamians) 

What is - Monotheistic


The early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China depended on this geographic feature to practice farming and agriculture.

What is - River valleys (fresh water, fertile soil)


The two rivers found in Mesopotamia

What is - Tigris and Euphrates


This giant structure was used as a tomb for the Pharaohs of Egypt to transition into the afterlife

What is - The Pyramids


This dynasty is considered to be India's Golden Age

What is - Gupta Empire


Man made objects that are discovered by Archeologists

What is - Artifacts (Bonus question: Organic, once-living remains are called what?)


This belief system was most common in the early River Valley Civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India

What is - Polytheistic


Another term for Mesopotamia

What is - Fertile Crescent (Or land between the rivers)


The river that flowed through Egypt and helped to unify the region into one empire

What is - The Nile river


This Hindu belief in being reborn is also very closely connected with the Caste System

What is - Reincarnation


This vocabulary term describes some of the early governments of Egypt and Mesopotamia that were controlled by the religion or a religious person

What is - Theocracy 


This key development in agriculture helped farmers to draw fresh water away from the rivers, into their crop fields and grow more crops

What is - Irrigation


These early pyramid structures were used as temples in ancient Mesopotamia

What are - Ziggurats


One of the earliest examples of laws that came from the Jewish faith, and continue to influence our legal system in the United States today

What are - The Ten Commandments 

This famous Chinese philosopher believed that the best way to bring peace and order in society is through proper behavior within your "family" or social role.

Who is - Confucius 


This vocabulary term describes the change in human evolution from hunting and gathering, to farming and practicing agriculture.

What is - Neolithic Revolution?


The six keys to Civilization

What are - Cities, Government, Religion, Writing/Language, Social Structure, and Art/Architecture.


The goal of Hammurabi's Code

What is - to bring order and stability in society in the form of laws or legal code


This written language was used in Ancient Egypt for formal, religious purposes and is sometimes known as "sacred writings" or "priest carvings" using symbols and shapes to represent ideas or emotions.

What are - Hieroglyphics 


This idea originated from ancient China and believed that people were evil by nature and required strict laws to govern their behavior

What is - Legalism


This vocabulary term describes the circular nature of Chinese rulers and also refers to many rulers that are handed down power from within their family, from generation to generation.

What is - Dynasty? 

Once river valley civilizations began to grow more crops, their population began to increase which led to 

What is - Job Specialization / Division of labor

People of a high status in Mesopotamia that could read and write
What are - Scribes

This written language was used in common, day to day life in Ancient Egypt

What is - Hieratic Script


The belief that society is organized into rigid social classes - also known as the caste system - is a central idea to which religion of the Indus River Civilization?

What is - Hinduism?