Passage 1
Passage 2
Types of Sentences
Grammar &

What is the name of the holy book in Islam?

A. Bible

B. Torah

C. Quran

D. Vedas

C. Quran


he text says, "Bangladesh is now home to many beautiful mosques." What is one of the most famous mosques called, according to the text?

A. The Taj Mahal

B. The Sixty Dome Mosque

C. The Blue Mosque

D. The Grand Mosque

B. The Sixty Dome Mosque


Identify the type of sentence: Where are you going, and when will you be back?

A. Declarative 

B. Imperative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory

C. Interrogative


What does the root 'graph' mean?

something written or drawn


Read the sentence: "The arid desert landscape was barren and dry."

What does the word "arid" most likely mean?

A. Wet

B. Green

C. Dry

D. Fertile

C. Dry


What happened to the Jewish people of Medina as conflicts arose between them and Muhammad's followers?
a) They were allowed to continue following their own religion
b) They were integrated into the Muslim community
c) They were driven out, killed, or enslaved
d) They fled Medina and settled in neighboring communities

c) They were driven out, killed, or enslaved


The text says, "Islam has been the dominant religion since 1890." What was the most followed religion before then, as stated in the text?

A. Buddhism

B. Hinduism

C. Christianity

D. Judaism

B. Hinduism


Identify the type of sentence: Bangladesh is a very religious country.

A. Declarative

B. Imperative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory

A. Declarative


What does the root 'bio' mean?



Read the sentence: "The inquisitive child asked countless questions."

What does the word "inquisitive" most likely mean?

A. Tired

B. Curious

C. Angry

D. Sad

B. Curious


How did the prayer customs of Muslims differ from those of Christians and Jews?
a) Muslims prayed toward Jerusalem, their holy city
b) Muslims participated in fasting
c) Muslims chose Friday as their holy day of the week
d) Muslims used wooden clappers or rams' horns to call people to prayer

c) Muslims chose Friday as their holy day of the week


The text says, "Muslims began arriving in the country in the 1200s." According to the text, what caused the Muslim population to grow quickly?

A. Natural disasters

B. Economic opportunities

C. Migration from India

D. Government policies

C. Migration from India


Identify the type of sentence: Wow, that was the most amazing concert I've ever been to!

A. Declarative

B. Imperative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory

D. Exclamatory


What is a century?

a period of a hundred years


"The abrupt change in weather caught everyone by surprise."

What does the word "abrupt" most likely mean?

A. Gradual

B. Sudden

C. Careful

D. Expected

B. Sudden


Why were the merchants of Mecca not pleased with Muhammad's spread of Islam?
a) They were worried they would lose money from people of many faiths coming to Mecca
b) They were concerned that more people would convert to Islam
c) They wanted to maintain the worship of the many gods in the Kaaba
d) They launched several attacks on Medina to stop the spread of Islam

a) They were worried they would lose money from people of many faiths coming to Mecca


The text says, "Islam has been the dominant religion." What is a synonym for the word dominant?

A. Major

B. Powerless

C. Best

D. Insignificant 

A. Major


Identify the type of sentence: Stop right there!

A. Declarative

B. Imperative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory

B. Imperative


Identify the subject and predicate of the sentence:

During the flight, the six astronauts released a satellite into space.

Subject: During the flight, the six astronauts

Predicate: released a satellite into space.


Read the sentence: "The ominous clouds signaled an impending storm."

What does the word "ominous" most likely mean?

A. Pleasant

B. Threatening

C. Calm

D. Peaceful

B. Threatening


Based on the information provided, what can we infer about how Muhammad wanted Islam to spread?
a) Through peaceful conversion of individuals
b) Through military conquest of neighboring communities
c) Through a combination of conversion and conquest
d) Muhammad did not have a specific plan for how Islam should spread

b) Through military conquest of neighboring communities


Given that the call to prayer occurs five times a day, how do you think this impacts the daily routines of Muslims in Bangladesh?

A. Minimal impact on daily routines

B. Frequent interruptions and disruptions

C. Strict adherence to religious practices

D. A sense of community and belonging

C. Strict adherence to religious practices


Identify the type of sentence:

Identify the type of sentence: Close the door when you go out.

A. Declarative

B. Imperative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory

B. Imperative


Identify all the nouns and adjectives in the sentence. Then draw an arrow from each adjective to the noun it describes: 

The heavy book fell loudly on the floor.

Nouns: book, floor

Adjectives: heavy, loudly 

heavy/book , fell/loudly


"The ambiguous instructions were confusing to follow."

What does the word "ambiguous" most likely mean?

A. Clear

B. Unclear

C. Easy

D. Difficult

B. Unclear