Part 2 Paras.5-8
Part 2 Paras.9-12

Work in groups and translate the following paragraph.

除了双钱结(the Two-Coin Knot),中国结均为两面中空(two planes tied together leaving a hollow center )的立体结构(three-dimensional in structure/cubic structure)。因为这样可以使结子硬挺(rigidity)、悬挂时不变形,而且可以在结体内(hollow center)嵌缝珠宝。

Reference version:

Except for the Two-Coin Knot, Chinese knots are three-dimensional in structure and compromise two planes tied together leaving a hollow center. Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall. The hollow center also allows for the addition of precious stones.


Individual work:

Translate the following sentence.


Reference version:

The ideology conveyed by the Analects of Confucius has been etched on our mind.


Group discussion:

To what extent do you agree that “Any fool can create wealth, but only the wise know what to do with it”?

    For different reasons, opportunities and methods, many people, including very foolish ones, can be rich. For instance, an idiot may be a rich man if he has a rich father. So wealth is not a sure indicator of the personality of an individual. 

    The watershed between a brilliant person and a foolish person lies in how he/she makes use of his/her wealth. It is only the wise people who know how to deal with their wealth properly. As we all know, Li Jiacheng, the brilliant enterpriser, who is very wealthy, has used his money to do a lot of charity work.