Causes of French Rev
Effects of French Rev
Napoleon's Rise & Fall
Revolutions & Nationalism
Under Louis XVI, French society was organized into three major classes, known as a. regimes b. estates c. castes d. serfs
b. estates
Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins were best known for a. initiating the Reign of Terror b. protecting freedom of religion c. supporting the reign of King Louis XVI d. sending French troops to fight in the American Revolution
a. initiating the Reign of Terror
Napoleon ruled France mostly as a(n) a. king b. president c. emperor d. prime minister
c. emperor
The belief that one's loyalty should be to their country/nation and not to a particular ruler or leader is known as a. patriotism b. ethnocentrism c. nationalism d. racism
c. nationalism
The radical wing of the French Revolution was known as the a. Girondins b. Jacobins c. sans-culottes d. nationalists
b. Jacobins
The Third Estate in pre-revolutionary France was made up mostly of a. commoners b. nobility c. politicians d. clergy
a. commoners
The Third Estate eventually formed the _______________ and created the _________________. a. Jacobins; Reign of Terror b. Girondins; French Revolution c. National Assembly; Declaration of Rights of Man d. Declaration of Rights of Man; French Revolution
c. National Assembly; Declaration of Rights of Man
One major impact of the Napoleonic Code was that it a. granted more liberties to French citizens b. decreased the size of the French military c. helped to stabilize France with a new set of laws d. eliminated Catholicism as the official religion of France
c. helped to stabilize France with a new set of laws
Colonial society in Latin America was known for which of the following TWO characteristics? a. inequalities of income and power b. personal freedoms for indigenous people c. communist governments d. classes based on race
a. inequalities of income and power d. classes based on race
The major purpose of the Congress of Vienna was to a. restore old regimes to power b. negotiate a peace treaty with Napoleon c. spread democracy throughout Europe d. encourage nationalist movements
a. restore old regimes to power
As Louis XVI noticed that conditions in France were worsening, he organized a meeting known as the a. National Assembly b. Tennis Court Oath c. Bastille Day d. Estates General
d. Estates General
Which of the following statements about the impacts of the French Revolution is FALSE? a. Middle-class French citizens gained more political power b. Opponents of the revolution were executed via guillotine c. The monarchy in France was abolished d. The French Revolution had little impact outside France
d. The French Revolution had little impact outside France
Napoleon attempted to increase the power of France throughout the rest of Europe by a. following the principles of the Declaration of Rights of Man b. naming himself leader of the Catholic Church c. leading military conquests in other European nations d. sharing power with the Congress of Vienna
c. leading military conquests in other European nations
Which event from the Haitian Revolution occurred first? a. Gen. Dessalines declares Haiti's independence b. Toussaint L'Ouverture abolishes slavery in Haiti c. French send troops to Haiti in order to stop revolution d. L'Ouverture becomes leader of Haitian military
d. L'Ouverture becomes leader of Haitian military
Simon Bolivar exemplified nationalism when he a. led the Haitian Rebellion against the French b. encouraged the Third Estate to rebel against Louis XVI c. convinced the Portuguese to grant Brazil independence d. united former Spanish colonies in South America into the country of Gran Colombia
d. united former Spanish colonies in South America into the country of Gran Colombia
Which of the following was NOT a reason why the Third Estate was upset with Louis XVI? a. They felt that they were overtaxed b. They did not want the Jacobins to have too much power c. They resented their lack of political power d. They believed that French society was unequal
b. They did not want the Jacobins to have too much power
Which of the following statements about the impacts of the French Revolution is TRUE? a. France became a direct democracy b. The powers of the French monarch were limited c. The Reign of Terror restored Louis XVI to the throne d. The revolution ended French interest in the rest of Europe
b. The powers of the French monarch were limited
Which factors protected Russia from Napoleon's control? a. religious and cultural similarities b. industrialization and modernization c. geographic size and location d. political and economic instability
c. geographic size and location
What was one effect of the Latin American Revolutions of the 19th century? a. Democracy became the dominant political system in Latin America b. European colonialism replaced the independent governments of Latin America c. Many Latin American countries gained independence d. Countries in Latin America deported most people with European ancestry
c. Many Latin American countries gained independence
The major purpose of Napoleon's Continental System was to a. prevent trade between Great Britain and the rest of Europe b. conquer all of Europe for France c. encourage trade between France and North America d. stop Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
a. prevent trade between Great Britain and the rest of Europe
Choose one Enlightenment thinker from the list below and explain how that philosopher influenced the French Revolution
John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu
Choose one of the revolutionaries from the list below and explain how they were influenced by the French Revolution
Toussaint L'Ouverture Simon Bolivar Jose de San Martin
Which of the following was a direct impact of the Battle of Waterloo? a. France extended its power over Europe b. The Congress of Vienna tried to limit Napoleon's power c. Haitian rebels began to rise up against French colonists d. Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helena
d. Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helena
One similarity in the actions of Simon Bolivar and Napoleon Bonaparte is that both leaders a. encouraged nationalism b. relied on diplomatic negotiations c. established a representative form of government d. rebelled against imperialism
a. encouraged nationalism
Put the following classes of Latin American colonial society in order from lowest to highest: a. mestizos b. African slaves c. peninsulares d. mulattoes e. Indians f. creoles
1. Indians 2. African slaves 3. mulattoes 4. mestizos 5. creoles 6. peninsulares